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New Brite

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Everything posted by New Brite

  1. Thanks Craig! We will be checking out your site! Looks like great stuff, and seems simple to do. Ed and Sally
  2. What did you use for this? Looks great!
  3. Yes it's a good idea and would weed out the splash and dash around here.
  4. Unusual cleaning job

    Hello all! I want to start by saying that The Grime Scene is a wonderful resource! We have learned so much from your posts! Thanks! On to our question...We have a Magnum Clean trailer unit, 3500 psi, 4 gpm. hot and cold water, 300 gal tank. We are cleaning a municipal water tower. The tower is about 100 ft tall, but we are only cleaning the bottom 30 feet or so. The tower is painted with a white enamel type paint, but is fairly uniformly black for the bottom 30 feet or so. When I went to bid the job, it was damp on one side from condensation, the black wiped right off with little effort. There had been a fence around it in the past, but foilage, trees, weeds, etc grew inside the fence to the "black" level. The fence was removed, the weeds, etc cleared out and and the tank repainted a couple of years ago. The only criteria was that we couldn't use bleach. We got an alternative from a local chemical supplier, Sani-T-10, a bleach alternative. The supplier gave me instructions to mix 1 gallon with 5 gallons of water and spray on with a pump up sprayer, let dwell for 20 minutes and rinse....well...nothing happened! We did use hot water as well, the only way we removed any of the black was with high pressure at short range. We also tried our house wash mix , Aerodet, with the same results...Ripper seems to loosen it a bit, but none of the chemicals are working! We are about half done, and will have to return Tuesday...Any suggestions? Also, please check out our FaceBook page...suggestions welcome! http://www.facebook.com/NewBrite
  5. Unusual cleaning job

    Thanks for all the comments...yes, we did finish the job (the video is on the first page) I'm not really sure why we couldn't use bleach, maybe something to do with reacting with the paint? We used hot water and pressure....kinda difficult getting the upper areas, but we did it! Check out our video! comments are welcome!
  6. Unusual cleaning job

    MMM, I don't understand that! I could watch it from here after I posted...Try looking at our FB page... New Brite Pressure Washing Services - Local Business - Red Boiling Springs, TN | Facebook the video link is... Log In | Facebook I'm sorry...maybe the mods can help me with this...
  7. Unusual cleaning job

    This is the project...comments are appreciated! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=246090382068734&comments
  8. Unusual cleaning job

    Ron, what exactly is two stepping? I've read several hundred posts and so many talk about it, but no one has said what it is exactly and I have done a search...all I get is all the posts that mention two stepping. And Veteran, I believe it was a concern about yellowing the paint. Thanks for the replies!
  9. Unusual cleaning job

    Is the Gutter Grenade similar to Ripper from Envirospec? We have applied everything with a pump up sprayer or foamer nozzle...haven't tried to brush anything... We have been using the extendable wand to be able to get close enough...boy that thing is a "Booger" LOL Thanks for your reply Major Panes. :-)
  10. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Hello, We are New Brite Pressure Washing Services, located in Northern Middle Tennessee, just about 5 miles from the Kentucky State line. We have been reading this forum for several months and have been amazed at the wealth of information. About us: We are a husband/wife team. We use a Force 443 from Magnum Clean and do commercial and residential. Take care and stay safe.