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Posts posted by fgaston

  1. Thanks Charlie. So it sounds like I should just avoid the cleaning chemicals altogether, and go right to stripping? Is the HD-80 acceptable, or would you recommend anything else? In terms of the acid, is one more convenient than the other, or are both only available in 50 pound bags? Lastly, do you have a personal preference on finish brand/type? Best, Fred

  2. Hi All:

    My deck is about 7 years old and has had several applications of Messmers Natural, after pressure washing each time. I am looking for a different result that is more in line with the pictures from the pros on this forum.

    1. My deck, especially the northern side, is not responding to any chemicals in terms of removing dark brown/black patina of algea/dirt, etc. Have tried Restore A Deck & Messmers cleaners plus some bleach. If I go over multiple times, it starts to take it off, but not really all that effective.
    2. The only thing that really works is painstaking pressure washing (like working one board for a minute), but on 1.200-1,500 sf deck, it takes forever. Is there a better cleaner to use, or should I just stay with the pressure washing and then use stripper/brightner to even everything out?
    3. Read the post about oxalic vs. citric acid, and wondered once I get it clean what the consensus was? Do I need stripper & brightener or will oxalic/citric do both tasks? What brand and where can I get?
    4. I am not a big fan of the Messmers Natural (makes the Ipe dark brown). I saw Rick's posts about Ready Seal. Want that redwood look. Will any product give some gloss?

    Many thanks for your help, Fred
