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Everything posted by Tombed

  1. Hello, I’ve read a lot of topics in this forum about how to restore an ipe deck. Before reading them I assumed this was the best choice of wood for my future project, now I’m confused… The client has an old PT deck that has to be modified for a new cedar above ground pool, he also want a new decking surface. Composite wood or Ipe ? I’m from Quebec (Canada), so there’s a lot of snow during winter. I thought Ipe needed a annual “oiling session” (Messmers) “only”, but after reading your posts, I’m not sure anymore if the result will be ok :/ My options for this project ? Trex Transend Exotic ( 10$ sq/ft ), HomeDepot Veranda ( 6-7$ sq/ft) or Ipe ( 10$ sq/ft + annualy oil ) Any comments to help me choose a deck surface near a pool ? Thanks.
  2. happy to read you, that's my first choice too (not sure about composite), but "oil product" (ex : Messmers) disponibility for years to come, considering new VOC "laws" in Canada, worries me... will my client be able to get "the good product" to keep this deck the same color...