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Everything posted by mrod514

  1. Need advice

    I need advice on house cleaning and roof cleaning. I need to know whats the process to applaying the chems and whats next do i scrub pressure wash or just rinse and what chemicals to use. I see that a lot of people use chlorine but I dont know for what and what do they mix it with if any. thanks a lot mark r.
  2. oil....and tire marks

    I do have a pressure washer 16hp with hot water. I do a lot of comercial flat work but I have not done any residential well homes and roofs but my question is how do you apply the chems and whats the process after that with homes and roofs thanks for your help
  3. oil....and tire marks

    I am looking into cleaning houses and roofs. I would like some info on the process of cleaning and equipment that I might need. All help will be very helpful. thanks mark r.