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Posts posted by greenjp

  1. howdy folks. I am working on stripping/cleaning and staining my deck. It's small, 10x10 or so, about 13 years old and with an ugly grey colored stain that's probably 5+ years old if not original. There's also two, 6' tall, 15' long fences I'd like to get to.

    I initially used DeckBrite not realizing it wouldn't work so hot on the existing stain. A small area did eventually come 90% clean after 3 applications and plenty of elbow grease. Not a good solution for the whole deck & fences.

    So I got some DeckStrip which gave me a better result but again requiring a lot of elbow grease and if a spot doesn't get thoroughly scrubbed the stuff stays on. FWIW it comes off the brush almost like mud, pretty thick and nasty.

    So I grabbed a pressure washer, which did almost no good at all. Still have to scrub the DeckStrip to get any sort of effect. It's a 2,500 psi machine, using the 45 degree tip and keeping it a good foot or more off the deck.

    So I'm basically at wits end here, I've got some free time but not the dozens of hours it'll take at the current pace. And that's just the decking, the posts & railings are small and close together making scrubbing them a real chore.

    So, any great words of wisdom? I see one of the mods or site owner maybe is based right here in my town, might need to bring in some professional help. Thanks,

