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Posts posted by Neil_Asheville

  1. Do you have a shop/office you meet at every morning to assign work for the day?

    Do you coordinate at the end of the day on where to meet following day?

    Do you have them drive personal cars to jobsite?

    You can see these are broad and random questions. In your experience, what is the most effective way to schedule / coordinate daily, say, two crews on two rigs?



  2. Nice shots Micah.

    In the first curbing pic, you have to love those negative drainage jobs where you know first rain it'll be back full of mud. I'm amazed at the amount of bad landscaping and hardscape design I see. Geeeewhiz, you mean everytime it rains this planting bed dirt piled 4" higher than this $20/sf paver driveway is gonna dirty it up again???


  3. What is this stuff? This is a cut end from an exposed locust deck that has been down 3 weeks. Locust is grown and milled here in NC. This was pulled from the cut pile, however this spotting is all over the laid deck. No pattern to the spotting. 3% then 12% didn't really touch it. 120 grit sanding neither. First photo shows board wet with water with lighter end from 3% and then the sanding. From the second photo, you can see citralic with long dwell lifted (or pushed back in) 90% of it.

    First look it appeared as surface mildew. Bleach and 120grit did nothing. Tannin was my next thought. Perhaps a mineral staining from something iron-like in the air/rain/dew? Is it coming up from within the wood to the surface? I have experience with finishing cypress and black spots coming up soon after stain, but those were almost powdery whereas these appear to be stains. With a percarb clean and acid step and finished with WoodTux my tests tell me it will look good. What I don't want to happen is they come back in a month after finishing.





  4. You kjnow, Rick, I haven't tried the defelting pads on ipe. Once I started using the osbornes I didn't look back. Those things just might work with the smooth surface and nothing to snag on. Hated those things on splinters or nail heads!

    You might find the 60grit is overkill on ipe. I do about 1000ft an hour defurring with the osborne, makes for a far better finish on ipe.

  5. The 'undo' part is the spot sanding of plugs and the resulting effect after applying finish. I defur all ipe with Osborne, not a sanding, IMO.

    Most projects I'm on have iron or cable railing...I like that combo of metal / wood. The face screws (when done neatly) looks good...to me! When plugs are sanded and oil applied, sanded spots stand out as shiney against a mostly matte finish. Most ipe decks get the EBTY's here and trim boards are sunk and plugged.


  6. Man that hurts! HO should be pissed.

    That's not a prep for stain f'up...that's a construction misstep. The best looking and most sound decks i see are face fastened using square head stainless fasteners screwed flush, not countersunk. The EBTY and biscuit fasteners suck. Plugging and sanding is intuitive for the builder, but impossible for us to undo, short of full drum sand.

    What's your POA, K?

  7. I finished a cedar deck Aug '06 that had brown Trex attached as a bandboard fascia. It was a nice look with the cedar pickets. Anyhoo, we sealed it with Tux WHG. Granted, it's a vert surface, but I was having cocktails this past Sunday on the deck and the finished Trex still looks like the day it was sprayed. It turned the ashy brown to a nice deep wet...tone. I have a sample board that I may stain up and put it out to Winter.




  8. Jon, if the deck is nice and dry being careful with a reg hammer works for us most time to set nails back to deck level. We're usually detailing at least a day after strip/wash, so they are usually dry. If wet, I have two cordless paslode finish guns that work great to reset even the largest coated galvanized decking nails. It does take longer than a hammer, but a better option when wet than a hammer and nail set. hate those.


  9. mike, i typically take total linear feet of railing x total sqft/linear foot to get total sqft. Bandboard/rim joist is included in this figure. For an all wood railing system I'll stand on deck facing rail and start my wheel on the underside of railcap or subrail, come over top of cap, down spindle around bottom rail (if there is one) and down bandboard. Now you have sqft/linear foot to apply to cost per square for estimate.

    Works good 'nuff for me.

