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Posts posted by a68cudas

  1. Hello this is regarding my mothers house. She doesnt have an actual basement. This room is 14x14 underground and is next to back porch, The sump went and water filled in. I got all water out and new sump working in crock.  There is alot of orange hard water sediment on cement floor and very damp. The room has no heat. Someone has to get room dry for insurance company before cleanup can happen. Does anyone on here run into flood damage cleanup like this? How did you go about drying the room so you could start pressure wash clean up reseal and paint? Any idea how muchit would cost for drying a non heated once flooded 14x14 room? If i do the work i was thinking of running torpedo heater  fan and dehumidifyer after floor is sqeegied but i have no clue what to charge the ins company for the work in drying room? Any suggestions? Location is rural N E Ohio. Anyone ever did this type work done before have an idea what a company would charge to come out and dry up room so i can get the ok from ins company to clean and seal? I think i will at least sqeege the floor and get wet sediment off so whom ever dries this either being meequipment to dry can be brought in without causing more of a mess and or elec hazard. Any guidance and or help in this matter is greatly appreciated by my mother and I. Thank You

  2. Thank you all for your help. Talked to owner today and told him how much it would cost to sand down bad spots and prime bare wood to prep for a solid of cabots and then he gives me the sad song and dance about how for that much money he could have new deck built which i know is B/S and then he remembers what was put on it Olympic acrylic/ latex solid stain color copper henna. So now im just gonna hit some bad spots with sanding, and reapply that same nasty acrylic latex that was on there before in same ugly reddish color. I prefer cabots but this works for me as it will deff match up with whats on there.

  3. Thanks for all the replies. I might try one more app of hd-80 boosting it with something and see if i can get the rest off the main deck. the rails are a done deal that stuff what ever it is is adhered way to well on them so for rail and spindle its gonna have to be some acrylic solid going over those. If i can get rest off main deck then try go with solid oil on. im gonna get a sample or two of cabots and see how it will cover over pigmented areas if not then sand more prime bare boards and solid acrlic over all of it... really dont have to much of choice here...

  4. How strong did you mix the HD-80?

    What product are you stripping?

    How long did you leave the HD-80 alone to work (dwell) before beginning the wash?


    made the HD-80 at 8 oz per gallon. was told product was olympic but owner not sure. Left HD-80 on for a little over an hour dwell time each time 3 times keeping it wet while dwelling. I meant 8 oz per gallon miss typed and put 6 which was incorrect

  5. are you saying sand to smooth out stain that didn' t come out, and reapply with solid? Sand with orbital? belt sander? can floor sander be used on decks? i know i used one for house flooring before? How do you guys charge for sanding when a job turns out like this by the hour or set price for entire job? Reason i ask is ive never had any really major sanding projects till now? Thanks

  6. Well been working on this deck and i tested with hot batch of hd-80 and seem to strip good in the cpl places i tried. I have applied hd-80 hot batches 3 batches with dwell times of 1 hour apiece and i cant seem to get all stain off flatwork. The spindles are another story i cant hardly get any to budge??? I kept areas wet once applied through whole process. Alot of the stain is embeded in the wood grain? What are my options now for this deck? The stain must have been oil based as my test spots showed where stain was emulsifying within 15 min or so in the areas i tested the areas tesed were where the stain looked like it was on pretty well... what can i do now?




  7. Was wondering if you guys could tell me what you tend to charge to clean wash cement drives, walkways, patios what chemicals do you use to clean with. What about blacktop drives do you use same pricing guidlines or diff rate what about chems? whats the worst thing to try and get out or off of cement? Figure ill run into alot of rust or discoloration from leaves, read where oxalic will work for rust what else is it good for? Im sure some of you guys get jobs to clean drives walks patio etc and then the owner wants it sealed. what sealers do you redommend for cement work and what do you charge on average to seal a drive walkway or patio? Thanks any information will be greatly appreciated

  8. Hello

    Have to look at deck this afternoon owner says he put thompsons on few years back and had some guy last year put olympic on. said that he didnt know if the old thompsons was stripped off or if olympic was put right on over top. Says the rail and spindles are holding up but that was failing bad on deck itself. I bought some HD80 but havent tried yet have any of you used this product on decks that had multiple layers of stain and sealer on and how well does it work? My other question is what types of sealer do you all recommend using instead of crappy thompsons? As for the stain i like using cabots have had good results with their stain which is far more better than olympic. Ill take pics if i can remember to take camera with.

  9. so its opposit for stain then ? i had cubbords in kitchen that needed painting didnt have enough to buy new ones and applied latex over oil based and it chipped . i thought for paint that latex will chip etc if put over oil based but u can put oil based over latex with no probs ?. so with stain prime with oil then latex over that for finish coat. do you have to prime with oil? can you prime with latex and latex stain over for finish coat? another question. can u apply latex over latex primer if not then what do they make latex primers for? and why is oil primer better primer for latex finish. what about strictly paint do u have to use an oil based primer when using acylic latex?

  10. what do you do when a customer keeps trying to beat you down in price? started a job but not stripping gave her a price for stripping + staining? ends up being acrylic latex so agreed on washing sanding to level areas failing out prime and reaply acrylic? since not sealing giving her the wash + restain price. she keeps on trying to beat me down in price after the fact of quoting her on both. and also done a cpl add ons that she griped about in price saying " well the guy i had last time washed everything for $300.00" but if the last guy was so detailed in his work and good and such a great price then why didnt she have him do it this time? i feel that my prices are resonable for the area in which i do work at. .50 sq ft to wash .75 sq ft to stain and .85 sq ft to strip have roughly 1000 sq ft of deck work no spindles ( thank god) and 10 steps. my price for strip, brighten and stain was $1577.00 and the quote for just wash and reaply solid was $1250.00 then i done a huge arbor on one side of house 40 ft long for $150.00 she complained about price $200.00 to wash brighten and stain about 200 ft of landscaping timbers and a huge triangular planter i threw in doing the brick walk ways becuase of all the other work. and screwed my self on doing 40 ft of 2 inch tubular metal railing for $75.00 that has multi layers of paint etc on and took a good 2 days of scraping sanding and applying stripper that is suppose to strip 7-9 layers of paint off ( yea right) now she is trying to beat me down in price because of differnece in not stripping and since applying solid acrylic latex again over the preped decks and not going to use as much since its a solid etc etc etc .. have any of you come across a customer who is always trying to beat you down in price who thinks pressure washing is like aiming a squirt gun and pissin on something real quick then done or who doesnt understand the labor and craftsmanship that goes into every inch of effort when someone takes pride in what they do and do the job right. just would like some feedback from any of you who have ran into people like this and what you did to handle the situation or what i should do. people like this really aggrivate me .

  11. More information about HD-80 and other ESI products can be found at www.esproducts.net.

    For a short cut to the product information pages you can use the following link:


    If you have more detailed questions, feel free to call the Contractor Support Hotline at 1-866-536-7393

    Best of Luck

    Russell Cissell

    Extreme Solutions, Inc.




    thank you i will take a look at that site

  12. Do-have a neutralizer on hand ready for use when applying HD-80

    Do-Keep a gallon of vinegar on hand for personal neutralization

    Do-Pre-wet plants and painted surfaces prior,during and after application to avoid causing problems.

    Do-wear protective pvc, nitril gloves, goggles, respirator and rubber boots when working with HD-80

    Do-Keep curious homeowners inside the home with windows and doors closed in the event the spray drifts in their direction

    Do-Apply only to the intended surface and avoid application to an adjacent wood surface not intended to be affected. Use plastic masking to help where otherwise it would get on the surface.

    Do not-play the ignorance card and not follow a safe regimen when using any chems.

    Do not-Gripe and complain when it gets onto your skin and burns you if you didn't protect yourself with the PPE designated above.

    Do-take pics, it looks great in your portfolio when talking to new clients.

    Do-let us know how it goes :)


    what about using plastic for around wood stained houses? wont it eat through the plastic? is there anything else to use besides plastic to mask off areas adjacent to house? what is a good respirator to use? thanks for your help can you let me know about the cpl new questions i just asked
