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Everything posted by a68cudas

  1. i didnt say i could i was told that if i have no clue what the solid is and if i use a rag and denatured alcohol on it that in one scenario if the color comes off on rag its one thing and if it doesnt its something else?
  2. what if the finish is just latex and not acrylic latex what are my options?
  3. after scraping and priming the areas can i apply oil over it or do i have to use another latex?
  4. thanks for the info. what about denatured alcohol on a rag and rub ? have heard that if latex comes off on rag and if not then oil based? is this true?
  5. read where some have used hd -80 and longer dwell time and had good results on acrylics? or is HD-80 mainly for oil based
  6. hi im looking to pick up a telescoping wand so i can stay on ground instead of using ladders for residential house cleaning work. can anyone tell me what brands are better than others? and where to buy for a good price? looking to get a 20 some footer. Thanks
  7. Have some pics id like to share on deck i just done but havein probs uploading my pics are 861.o kb and 979.8 kb what can i do to shrink or change format so i can load up on here . 195.3 kb is limit to upload pics can any one help?
  8. I dont have a sprayer yet and was wondering if any roller or burushers can share some tips on getting stain/sealer between deck board spaces on flooring besides using a brush? what do some of you others use?
  9. have a deck that has been painted and i want to strip the paint off and stain it. the deck is about ten years old and so is the paint on it. any suggestions on striping paint from it. some areas the paint is peeling and pressure washer should pull that off but other boards the paint is adhered pretty good and no peeling of it at all. any good chemicals that can help pull off that old paint? its a 2 level deck 8x8 then upper level is 12x24 total of 5 steps. any suggestions or products to use would greatly be appreciated. Thanks
  10. Hello Hey can anyone tell me the formula for converting square foot to linear feet?
  11. square foot to linear foot conversion?

    thanks for the help
  12. what about stripping and using a solid color stain after if any blemishes to wood grain cracks etc left by the old paint? tidyjet you said you stripped and used a semi solid and no probs guess it all depends on what the wood looks after stripping is done. did you have to do any sanding at all or did the stripper pretty much take care of all the paint? how many layers of paint was it? Dave
  13. rail system is on second level but not getting done just deck itself. looks like it will have to be stripped then repainted then. any thing even new paint will look good on it was an ugly color of green previous owners painted to match the shutters on the house with white railing. wants railing to stay white and railing has no probs with it paint holding good just deterioration to paint on deck in some spots.looks like about 2 or 3 good coats of previous paint on deck itself. anyone have a guesstimate on how many gallons of stripper to loosen that many layers off? i know ill have to goop in on nice n thick with a long knap roller. was thinking of tryin wolmans a/l stripper talked to few other people who said works pretty good and they had no probs cutting through 3-4 layers of paint with it. Think i should go with it or try another stripper? have heard mixed opinions on the citrus strip ad personally have never tried it before? Dave
  14. contractor and will be fisrt to strip paint off deck dont mind payin the extra for a good stripper rather strip then sand it. totaly sanding the deck would be last resort. no rail or spindle work just main flat deck area need attention. some areas are peeling good and pose no problem where other boards looks like its adheered pretty good to. any good strippers out there i can try and about how much they run. any help greatly appreciated. Dave