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Mountain View

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Everything posted by Mountain View

  1. Interesting article

    very interesting
  2. A couple of questions

    I have a trailer unit, done a couple of house washes, couple of roof washes, couple of fences, couple of decks, lots of experimenting on my own stuff. Still very much a newbie.
  3. Zawaqari bit the dust :)

    I'm reeeeeal tore up bout that guy takin a couple of 500 pounders up the wazu.
  4. PITA Homeowners...

    Grandma and Grampa getting the Clap?? LMAO!! I know the divorce rate for the older crowd is going up because of the "pill". Gramps is out having affairs......again.
  5. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    To me it come down to this: We are complex enough to ask questions but not sophisticated enough to know the answers. Because of this inability of our species to answer all of the questions we pose, we have developed a series of 'belief systems' to fill in the gaps. It really comes down to what makes you feel comfortable and able to live a fufilling life. What happens after our life here? I have no idea, and I'm cool with that.
  6. Grime Scene Jealousy

    My wife will walk up behind me and ask, "Talking with you play friends again"?
  7. How many of you present a prospective client with a bid for a deck or fence job right there on the spot? How many of you go away, work up your figures and then either mail/call the bid/make another visit to the client? I would like to be able to talk to the client, find out what they want, measure up and present them with a bid right there and then. I'm sure it will vary with the job. Just interested how the rest of you do it.
  8. I've just spent about an hour touring around the Wolman's web site. Opinions on thier products? Some of them sound as if you can apply to damp wood, aka WTW.
  9. Look what was watching me work!

    The question is, who was louder?
  10. I want to refinish two of these end tables that were passed on to me by a family member (I know, they look like crap). I think they are redwood. What special strip/stain issues do I need to be aware of?
  11. End Tables

    Boy did they ever turn dark!! Better than before though.
  12. Curious?

    I had an email returned to me undeliverable just today.
  13. Clip Art

    If anyone has any clip art relevant to the work we all do and your willing to share it, I would really appreciate if you would send it to me. I'm building my website now. Thanks y'all
  14. If you're over 30

    Not even VCR's. I remember as a kid, one of the toughest decisions I had to make was whether to go see the Harlem Globtrotters (Meadowlark Lemon days) or watch the premier of The Six Million Dollar Man. I agonized over it! I chose the Globetrotters and didn't see that series premier for well over a year. My wife and I like to freak out our two teenage daughters by making sound effects from that show. Did you ever notice that on every episode Steve Austin had to block a falling steel beam with his bionic fore arm? Now that was quality TV!
  15. Wolman Products

    Rick!! How could you say something like that!! Cheat, don't know the meaning of the word.:rolleyes:
  16. Wolman Products

    Thanks guys. I took the certification test yesterday. Just curious what you guys thought. I'll probably be using Bakers Grey Away as my prefered product and I can get acid, stripper, 12.5% raw materiels from a local chem supplier.
  17. I've seen two ads for other deck restorers in my area. One offers three color choices the other offers four. Do any of you limit your color choices to keep things simple?
  18. Color Choices

    Very cool. I'm stuck at work routing planes around all that weather. Been a busy morning.
  19. Color Choices

    I'm thinking 4 may be my limit. I can barely remember my own name, much less anything else.
  20. Color Choices

    Shane, I've got cedar and pine samples. Haven't seen you around for awhile, must be busy.
  21. Color Choices

    I've been lurking here since 0400 central. Is that sad or what?? I'm at my regular job, so I have an excuse. I'm very fortunate (I think) to have Grey Away, Ready Seal, and Wood Defender all within driving distance. Right now, I'm leaning towards recomending Bakers Grey Away exclusively.
  22. Color Choices

    No takers to the question? I'm pretty sure these two companies are using WD.
  23. Latest Deck

    Nice work. Grey away strikes again!
  24. I quit smoking & I'm patting myself on the back!

    Good job Philip! I quit for two years and fell back into it. I conquered the drink demon, smoking is next. When my Dad quit, he said that he adopted the frame of mind of getting pis**d off at the tobacco companies for trying to kill him and he wasn't going to let them. He's been off for over ten years. For those of you who haven't ever smoked, words can't describe how hard it is to quit.
  25. What is the most effective way to get jobs?

    Who did you go with?