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Mountain View

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Everything posted by Mountain View

  1. Question About Property Values

    Around 200k. Maybe 250k
  2. Is there a source for learning more on staining composites?
  3. Glossary

    Ken said, "gay headers"....hehehehe!!
  4. Glossary

    I thought you meant happy.
  5. Elite's first roof wash.

    First roof wash for Elite. Mix was 15gal water/10gal 12.5% bleeeeeach mixed in 25gal tank on my iddy biddy trailer and applied using 1.8gpm/60psi sure flow. Let dwell for about 25 minutes. Rinsed off with 4gpm washer with #20 40degree tip. Customer is real happy. The darker areas above the garage are tree shadows. Still trying to get to Shanes level of photo editing so it'll look good on the board. I rinsed until the brown color of the water coming off the roof went away, still "suds" up a little do to residual bleach, didn't worry about getting all of that off. Left over killing power as far as I'm concerned. A fair amount of algae on the roof too.
  6. Ethanol

    All of our gas around here now has 10% Ethanol. Any issues with PW engines?
  7. Ethanol

    Thanks John. I've noticed your avatar for awhile. Is there a story behind the dog?
  8. How To Beat The Competition 2

    Ken, Excellent training as always! Being a newbie with a very limited portfolio, what are some of the questions I am likely to get and what would you (or anyone else) suggest as strategies to deal with this issue. I'm speaking primarily about questions concerning my experience level. Professional appearance, speaking, etc shouldn't be a problem for me.
  9. Problems today

    By Littlefield: "If I'm in doubt at all about the stain coming off when I FIRST start to PW, I splash a little ox down to see if I get the color shift. If so, I proceed, if not, more dwell on the SH (sodium hydroxide)." Good tip, I'll keep that one in my back pocket.
  10. First downstreamed house pics

    One way of advertising I suppose.:(
  11. First downstreamed house pics

    Wow!! Looks great Barry. I've only downstreamed so far, mostly due to lack of moola for an X-Jet. I've been happy so far. I can easily reach the top of a two story with my 0025 and with good chem draw. Keep it up buddy. Hey, did you ever incorporate??
  12. Elite's first roof wash.

    Two hours max. I was taking my time. Thanks everyone.
  13. Elite's first roof wash.

    Special effects on the after pic on the first one is un-intended. Short coming of digital photos maybe. Those weird patterns don't show up unless the picture is loaded into photoshop. When looked at by Microsoft photo software they don't show up. Unfortunately I can't resize the photos with that software. Same thing with the second set. Roof looks better in person......really! Woe is me.
  14. Being positive

    Every day above ground is a good day! :lgkick:
  15. Boycott

    What he said!
  16. Boycott

    One of my pet peeves is the hyphonated American. Irish-American, African-American, Mexican-American. What's wrong with being just plain ol' AMERICAN!! My ancestry is the British Isles. I lived there for twelve years and I'm here to tell ya, I AIN'T BRITISH!! :USA:
  17. Boycott

    Let them do thier little protest. Let them find out the world doesn't stop turning because of it.
  18. Boycott

    You mean "Vatozone"
  19. Boycott

    I'm fed up with these people. Don't they get it. The problem is not with legal immigrants, it's the illegals!! They want to live and work here for years and then expect us to say, "oh well, never mind that you've broken the law for years and knew exactly what you were doing, here's a free pass. Sorry for the hassle by the way." Work visas, fine. Legal immigration, fine. Coming over the border to have a baby on US soil, not fine. My wife is English, we had been married for over ten years and had three children together when we decided to move to the states. I moved here to start a new job while she stayed in England to keep the kids in school while her immigration paperwork processed. It took 11 months! We wanted to do things legally. I have absolutely no sympathy for illegals and my wife has even less. BTW, she has a job that involves employee verification and has busted dozens for false ID. There will be three or four using the same social number and other forms of ID. Am I willing to pay more for things in order to have it done by LEGAL residents, yes!! Stepping off of soap box.....for now.:soapbox:
  20. God help me

    I have all girls, wouldn't change a thing!! Congratulations!!!
  21. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Yup, number 20 &21 weren't written by me. Not sure how that happened.
  22. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    From the Associated Press "Congressional anxiety in this election year only grew this week as major oil companies began announcing huge first-quarter profits. Exxon Mobil Corp. on Thursday said it made more than $8 billion during the January-March period, the fifth largest quarterly profit for any public company ever." Entire article http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060428/ap_on_go_co/congress_oil Another good one http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5365439
  23. Who is your favorite comic book super hero?

    Actually, I want to change my answer to Bugs Bunny.:D
  24. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Um, who's writing under my name and avatar????