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Mountain View

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Everything posted by Mountain View

  1. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Think gas prices are too high? Gas prices aren't too high it's the very fact that our currency is nothing but debased paper backed by hot air, backed by bonds foreigners own. Want me to make a better point. In 1960 we had silver certificates backed and redeemable by 1oz of silver per dollar. In 1960 one dollar backed by silver purchased you 4 gallons of gas. Gas was selling at .25cents a gallon. Ok....fast forward to 2006. How much gas will $1.00 buy you? About 1/3 of a gallon. Well, well, well.........if we still had sound currency backed by silver, guess how many gallons of gas you could buy????? 1oz of silver is trading around $12.50 right now and it's price has parallelled the price of gas over time. Do you research. Guess how many gallons of gas that 1oz of silver would buy you right now???? 4 gallons of gas which is the same as it was in 1960. We've been hoodwinked by the federal reserve. I encourage you to go to www.realityzone.com and purchase the book "Beast from Jekyll Island" by Griffin to find out the truth. It will make you sick to your stomach, because you will never ever find the truth anymore in the mainstream press. I challenge you to do your homework. Also, keep voting for the Republicans or Democrats...and you will never get real change in this country because they are bought and paid for by the same powers to be behind the scenes.
  2. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

  3. Texas spider webs

    Before and after of a "paint prep" house wash. Loads of spider webs (man, do we ever get 'em around here). Down streamed 1.5 cups TSP/gal, 1gal 6% bleach, 1 cup dish soap in a fiver. The customer loved the results. Took hours if not days off of his prep work. I don't know what the name for this style of eves is, but no matter where you position yourself your gonna get soaked. The water karems off of all those different angles and ends up in your face. No use wearing safety glasses, just squint!!
  4. Texas spider webs

    The new color he put on looks like baby poo! Some weird olive drab/cream mix. Believe it or not, the blue looks better. We're supposed to get some pretty nasty weather here tomorrow. Gonna be fun planning flights. I see denied boardings in my crystal ball.
  5. Texas spider webs

    Shane, Where ya been buddy, aint seen ya for a few days?
  6. Texas spider webs

    Just to totally bore ya'll. Some loose paint came off. P.S. The black spots are nails or nail holes from his Christmas lights.
  7. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    Interesting interview with Petroleum Industry Spokesman on CNN internet site. Something for everyone in this story. Search for "Big oil defends gas prices".
  8. Caustic soda

    That be it.
  9. Who Profits Most From Gas Prices?

    I would be interested to know what government provided services people would be willing to give up to lower thier taxes. Try to be specific. How would it directly affect you? My guess is folks want taxes lowered, as long as any resultant reduction in services doesn't directly affect them. It's a given that government is inefficient so saying, "ring out the waste" doesn't really answer the question.
  10. estimating Sheet

    Me too please. elite_powerwash@yahoo.com
  11. Who is your favorite comic book super hero?

    Wonderwoman. The outfit does it for me. Oooo, and the magic lasoo!!
  12. Politics still, but not gas prices

    Charlton Heston
  13. Politics still, but not gas prices

    I belong to the "don't trust any of the bas***ds party"
  14. Politics still, but not gas prices

    Trust the government, they are here to serve and protect us. Now shut up and finish your soilent green!
  15. Am I breaking the law?

    Man, I wish we had places like that around here!
  16. Well, here's the first deck for me. It started out with some horrible solid crud in the first picture. I stripped it twice with fairly strong mix, then oxalic but there was still a lot of this stuff embedded in the wood. I was leary of over dosing the wood with chems so I opted to sand the rest of it out. 60 grit and a good orbital got it in about an hour, second pic. Because of all the sanding and on the recomendation of Shane (my mentor) I did another oxalic rinse. Let dry for two days. Masked off the area and used a 1.8g/min sureflow and some back padding. Customer, a friend of mine, was very happy with the results. In the last picture there are a few shiney spots that I padded out after I took the pic. I used two coats of Super Cedar Grey Away about 40 minutes apart, the first coat soaked in very fast. I learned that even the slightest wind will cause very fine over spray which came off the railing very easy with a little mineral spirits. I also learned to cut in by hand further from the rails. In hind sight I might have been better off padding the whole thing.
  17. Thanks to everyone for your kind words. **blush** Doing a paint prep housewash after work today.
  18. Gas prices

    I sure do hope the rise is fuel prices is a strong enough financial kick in the pants to really get "alternative" fuels more into the main stream. I soooo want to break any ties we have to other countries for our energy needs. That's probably the number one bee in my bonnet. I could go on and on but will spare all of you. This board is great! I would be lost without it.
  19. FREE Trade Show Passes to UAmCc in Texas!

    Cool!!! Twenty minutes from my house!!
  20. Gas prices

    Watched "Airplane" for the umpteenth time the other day. Classic!!
  21. Gas prices

    The makers certainly had an agenda they wanted to get across.
  22. Gas prices

    Has anyone checked into small bio-diesel units? I saw one that looked like it could fit into the corner of your garage. I wonder how much they can make, what the cost is, what kind of waste is left over, etc. I smell a project coming on.....or, maybe that's just bio-diesel fumes.
  23. Gas prices

    Nazi's were a fascist party if my memory serves me correctly.
  24. Gas prices

    Saw "God of War" on DVD. One of the better ones I've seen lately.
  25. Gas prices

    Bill Richardson vs. John McCain for Prez. I think this would be a good, respectful race (if the respective party extremists could be kept out of it.) Political instability around the world, Iraq, and market speculators are the primary reasons for oil prices at the moment. Just think where much of our imports are coming from. Saudi Arabia (terrorists are trying to blow up oil infrastructure). Chad (look under political instability and corruption in the dictionary). Mexico (running out of reserves). Russia (still a crap shoot). Venezuela (that clown has spouted off about cutting off the US, however unlikely). Canada (better beer than us!!) Not to mention China and India sucking the oil teat hard. Add that on to our own insatiable appetite and it's no big surprise. As far as labeling someone a fascist, while the users definition is partially correct it is a very inflammatory term that, in my opinion, is used in poor judgment. Taken from Merriam-Webster DictionaryM Main Entry: fas·cism Pronunciation: 'fa-"shi-z&m also 'fa-"si- Function: noun Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition