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Mountain View

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Everything posted by Mountain View

  1. House Wash

    Need opinions folks. This customer asked me to provide a qoute for a house wash. What she said was,"go ahead and qoute for it if you think it needs it.". This is part of a larger quoute for flat surface, pool deck/ patio area, and a fence restoration. I will be breaking down the qoute into fence, flatwork, and housewash sub-sections. I have a couple of questions. First, how would you guys qoute something like this. Eyeball it and estimate time or maybe the sq. ft. of house interior and go from that?? Another issue, it's just not that dirty. The gutters have some light runs on them, but the house itself is pretty clean. Now, I don't want the issue of cleaning gutters and then having streaks on the bricks from run-off and I am washing ceiling areas of patios in the back yard area. Do I just figure in a light soap on soap off and rinse scenario? Or do I just tell her, "It's just not that dirty and I'd hate to take your money for something that won't make an appreciable difference."? I don't like to leave money on the table any more than you guys, but I am thinking about the integrity and reputation of my business. Opinions please. I also have some pictures of the fence for the same customer that you'll love. More on that later......
  2. House Wash

    Me? Hang ups? Never!! Good points Ken, thanks. Any ballpark figures based on these pics?
  3. Search Engine Key Words

    Awhile back there was a thread where all of us listed key words we thought were good for an internet search, I can't find the thread....... Can anyone help me out? I know it's here somewhere. Thanks I FOUND IT, DISREGARD...........PETE
  4. I may be getting some concrete work around swimming pools thrown my way soon. I've never cleaned around a pool before. What technique to you guys use to prevent water from getting into the pool?
  5. Situation-New Cedar fence. How many of you clean or treat the new wood prior to applying stain? I haven't seen it yet (email enquiry) but I'm assuming that because it's a fence, it will be a rough cut surface. I have other questions I need to ask the client (surrounding neighbors, plants, etc) but I was just wondering what would be a ballpark figure per sq. ft. you kind folks would start at? It's a bit of a drive from my house so I want to pre qualify as much as poss. Thnx
  6. Tax Question

    Elite Powerwash is an LLC which made a loss in 2006. I'm confused about the Schedule K-1 IRS form. It mentions that it's to be used for uincorporated partnerships and S corps. Elite is neither. Do I need to use this form or stick with the Sched C form? Because we didn't do much business (ie, no profit) this year, do I need to use an accountant. If so, how much do you folks pay for yours and what should I look for?
  7. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Imagine what state we would be in if people waited for "real conflicts" to happen before they joined. Scary.
  8. Saddam will hang

    Justice is served. Wonder how long it will take to do?
  9. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    I was thinking, Will Ferrill as Shaft.
  10. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    A well deserved hero.
  11. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I'm curious, just how many members here have actually worn the uniform for their country. I did.
  12. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Jeff, I wanna buy you a beer dude. Amen!!
  13. incompetent, insane, and cowardly

    Now the originators of this administrations insane policies are fleeing the sinking ship and pointing their evil little fingers at others. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061104/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_iraq_critics;_ylt=AsE8px_.dWiM25Zik8Hvx63MWM0F;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM- Gee, I wonder how Hannity, Limbaugh and their ilk are gonna spin this one?
  14. Haggard

    Very nicely said. I don't belong to a church (that doesn't mean I'm not spiritual) because my experience has shown me that all the nice talk and deeds have the objective of getting you to join their sect or solicit your money. I have yet to find an exeption to this.
  15. Haggard

    Technically, maybe. There are evangelical Pastors and Evangelical Churches. An Evangelist is simply one who evangelizes which means to preach the gospel.
  16. Haggard

    Well said Ken. That's why I don't belong to any church.
  17. P-Diddy the new James Bond?

    Is nothing sacred anymore??
  18. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    I sure wish people would put more effort into voting in primaries. As it stands now, it's almost exclusively ideologues and party activists who participate. In order to get more balanced and civilized representation we need to participate much more at the primary level. If things continue as is, extremists, from both sides, are going to be our only choices. That is a sad thought and America deserves better!
  19. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mountain View Last time I checked, Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11. Um, everyone. Even Bush had to finally fes up on this one.
  20. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Last time I checked, Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11.
  21. John Kerry - Did I say that?!?!

    Does that mean everyone pays a flat percentage rate on their entire income? Thank goodness for the 22nd amendment!!
  22. Gum Blaster

    Stumbled on to this during a Google search.......opinions? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2182905337716467198&q=power+washing&hl=en
  23. How would you handle this?

    Russ, It looks as if a half and half staining might be your only realistic option. Building temporary bridges and walkways probably have more serious liabilty implications. Drawing up the waiver visa vi dry stain line etc sounds good.
  24. A couple of questions

    Hola folks, a couple of questions. I'm looking for examples of how newbies can deal with questions from customers regarding their experience level. Maybe give examples of customer questions and your replies. Second, can some of you either post or email me disclaimer forms you submit with your bids i.e. customer responsibilities, contractor responsibilities, etc. TGS is awesome as always!
  25. A couple of questions

    **Pete worships at the alter of "THE FENNER*!**