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Everything posted by kinnaman

  1. New House Cleaning?

    I have a friend asking me to pressure wash new houses before they are sold to clean up thier appearences. Driveways and about four feet up all the way around the house to remove dirt and construction mud. These houses are all brick or stone. What type of chemicals do you recomend? What would you price something like that for? Thanks!
  2. Regulating Pressure

    This may be a dumb question but can you take a 3500PSI machine and add a regulator or something to take it to less PSI? maybe 2000 or so?
  3. I am looking at two different pressure washers, both have the Honda 13 HP GX engine, model GX390. One has a Comet ZWD pump and the other a General TS1511 pump... Preferences? Is one better then the other? Thanks!
  4. Which pump is better???

    Thanks for the advice... I don't need a huge machine but want to spend wisely on one that will last a few years.