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Posts posted by stilloffduty

  1. If we can keep this civil let's have a good lively discusion about this. Where I live almost 37% of 3,000,000 people work in the non profit sector on long Island. One of the most powerful one of all here is the LIA Long Island Association, Inc. - LIA in the News

    There leader is a star. His name is Kenneth Law. Kenneth could be a strong president candidate if he want to ever run. Read what this association is all about and look how far they have came.

    They just had Mayor Rudulph Gulliani and Joe Torre speak at there convention... No they didn't get a Ruth in there but the PWNA did. The LIA had past presidents speak at there conventions.... And why is that?? Because Kenneth law is a star. He lobbied over $220,000,000 worth of work for his members. He knows how the game works. I met one of the groups involved in there and there not for profit has over a 1000 members. I just met that guy when I was on a booze cruise around Manhattan last month for a fundraiser and they were so intrigued to meet with Linda Ruth Tosetti... But She's ours after a spoke to her for hundred of hours about the world of Powerwashers.

    Kenneth Law makes aprox $1,000,000 a yr and he has over 60 board of directors and there job is to create as many benefits as they can for there members... And they now how to do it by working within the Gov't Guidelines to secure work.

    William page will never understand this. LIA also if you read there site they also have a large group health plan for there members.... Can William Page do that for people.... NO... And he doesnt have to because he elects not to be a part of a working system... His choice.

    So non profits work. Robert is right on. They get tax breaks for a reason.... And part of that is they have to follow strict guidelines. Some don't and off to Jail they go... Just like any other crook.

    Really John? Why do you have to make it personal? If you can't keep this civil I will have to have this thread closed. Thank you for pointing out how a trade associaction could become so powerful that it controls 33% of the work force. Let us all hope the PW%A keeps certifing people to clean roofs with high pressure and hydroxide and spying on contractors. We need little things like that to help contractors see thru the mirror at what could happen to them if they join such groups. Thank you for you tireless effort in exposing these threats John.

  2. That is an incorrect statement. The trade associations are responsible for most of what is wrong with regulations now. We need to fight against representaion that does not benefit contractors. The issues I have had locally have been taken care of by me, and local contractors. Trade associations are typically concerned with what makes them look good. I cannot name one national association that has not been detrimental to contractors. Just my opinion.

  3. John, I would say leave it be. Hopefully the ship will sink with little disurbance to the waves. All the lies and behind the scenes stuff are finally coming to a boiling point and hopefully, for all contractors, this will just be a thing of the past. Think about how it sounds when you get what you ask for, don't like it, then demand for it be reversed. I have three boys under twelve years old and I know exactly how it sounds.



  4. I couldn't sign in under my old password and after a few weeks of trying to get another one I gave up and made a new profile. Second time I have had to do that over the years. I don't remember how to do the signature thingy if you can give me some insight. My wife wrote grant request for the state for several years. I can assure you there is no such thing as a free grant. Private foundations don't pay into a "grant pool" either to keep tax-free status.
