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Everything posted by TripleC

  1. Need Help with Categories for Directory?

    Hey Ron, Chris aka SqueegeeNinja from other forums here :) In addition to a window cleaning forum, I'd suggest a glass restoration subforum as well Another suggestion would be an OMG/WTF? subforum for those jobs we all get that defy all logic and reason
  2. What does it take???

    Customer service is KEY to me. I use a vendor that is about an hour's drive from me. I know if I call them on a Sunday saying "Uh oh, I forgot this or that and need it TOMORROW!" they'd be at the warehouse with it waiting for me. That means everything, especially because I'm a scatterbrain :)
  3. Average age at start up

    Well, I've been dibbling and dabbling in the biz since I was 22, but went full scale last February at the ripe old age of 33. I wish I would have gone full time at 22!