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Everything posted by JohnL

  1. I was playing around with some injectors over the weekend and noticed that my K7 has started leaking from a plunger like device on the side. When I squeeze the trigger, the spray all but stops. When I release the trigger, there is a spray coming out around the plunger. Would a rebuild kit fix this & be easy to repair, or would I be better off buying a new one? (I bought the PW used a couple of years ago so I am not sure how old it is but or how many hours on it.)
  2. Leaking K7

    Would there be any harm to the pump operating it in the short run like it is, or would it be better to go to fix it ASAP?
  3. This has been my first year doing pressure washing and have a lot of fun doing it. I've spent this past year year just reading the post on the GS and still have not covered it all. There is so much information posted that my questions have generally been answered w/o creating a post. Thank you everyone for what you have already shared. I have an opportunity coming up to do some new masonary cleanup for the first time. From what I have read, sounds like NMD80 is a great product to start with. Being completely new to this, are there any generally comparable proucts that can be found locally in most cities, or should I stick with the NMD80? Is there anything special that I should be aware before trying this. I intend to use a machine that is 2500 PSI and 4 GPM, From what I have been able to discover, the PSI is sufficient enough but yet not cause excessive damage. Thanks.
  4. New masonary cleaning

    Thanks, Dustin. I will give them a try if I decide to go with Prosoco. I'm still leaning toward NND80.
  5. Veteran's Day

    I've been reading and appreciating all the info posted in this forum. I've learned about subjects rangng from newborn babies to WoodTux Wet. I appreciate the information and experience that all of you so readily share. But probably the greatest contribution that I can ever make to this forum is to thank all that are currently serving in our Armed Forces and for those that have served and sacrificed in the past. Without these soldiers serving and fighting for our freedom, we would not be here sharing our thoughts and opinions. My thoughts and prayers are for the safe return home of each soldier and for the families whose loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice.