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Posts posted by MarcusR

  1. Marcus, I did not mean a 50 gallon tank but 50 gallons of water with one gallon Emulsifier Plus. So how much percentage of bleach if I am going to directly apply product to house siding is the starting point?

    I do not mix my house washing solutions that way. My trailer holds 2 tanks. One for SH and the other for water so I do not cavitate the pumps on either of my pressure washers. I use a pressure washer with a 20% remotely controlled injector on the the pump output and down stream power wash the house with my house washing solution. It does not include Emulsifier Plus. I have never needed additives for my house washing solution. In most cases it is just marketing of products that are not necessary.






  2. Hello all to this forum. Just joined. If I don't have my signature or something is incorrect please let me know.

    My auto detailing business started washing fleets last year and this year is moving into other avenues of pressure washing....such as house washing (BY THE WAY IF ANY OF YOU NEED HELP WITH AUTO DETAILING/BUFFING I WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE IN HELPING ME GET STARTED WITH THE POWER WASHING SIDE OF MY BUSINESS - SEND ME AN EMAIL OR PM - I know how hard it is to start a business and learn the ropes and having a mentor is vital).

    As I learn and read many of your posts here I can't find a starting point as to how much bleach to add to the house wash solution. My first product that I have purchased for house washing is Emulsifier Plus because I heard some good things about it and that it is bleach friendly. It recommends a ratio of 50 to 65 to 1 with its solution but I don't know how much bleach to start with. I asked the retailer and they did not have a good answer. I understand that there will be mild, medium and severe cases and the ratio will need to be adjusted from there, but where does one start? If I have a 50 gallon tank that has 50 gallons of water and one gallon of Emulisier Plus how much bleach should I add to start with? I haven't a clue...1 gallon of bleach...is that way too much???

    If that starting point does not remove the mold/mildew than should I add more bleach and reapply?

    To throw one more factor at this question...how do I adjust this ratio if applying with an x-jet? I may just use a 12 volt sprayer and directly apply it to the house but I may also use the x-jet.

    The question is not how much SH to put into the house wash solution but, how much house wash solution do you need to make up. Then everything else is percentages based upon what a normal 100 gallon mix uses of each solution.

    If you have a 50 gallon tank that has 50 gallons of water and one gallon of Emulisier Plus it is going to overflow. That is 51 gallons in a 50 gallon tank. Go figure.

  3. I was hoping I could get some input on an idea I have been kicking around for awhile. I am considering adding pressure washing to my services. I have a carpet cleaning company in the SLO area of California. I have done quite a bit of pressure washing in the past both as a contractor and for property management and always really enjoyed it. I would like to get a trailerable heated pressure washer (which would actually help me on some of my natural stone and tile cleanings). I feel like this could be a service that would be a good addition. Have you guys seen this work out before, or does pressure washing need to be a full time gig?

    Lori @ Pressure Washer Products.com is a wealth of information and helps a lot of pressure washers get started. Give Lori a call @ (800) 519-9279 (727) 562-5488 Outside USA or email her at sales@pressurewasherproducts.com
