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Everything posted by cmdaniel

  1. I have three decks aproximatley 300sq/ft They are two years old and never been touched. I have used byer Premium on a fence at the old house and it held up wonderfully for all three years I lived there. Though with 3 decks I don't want to be doing this to often. I am no sure weather I want to do this my self or have it done.. What (tranparent) product would be recomended? I like the look of natural wood are a little tint. Two of the decks are screened. All help is appreciated.
  2. Need to clean and seal 3 Decks???

    Ken, Thanks for the numbers thought I measured it at 1(10x10), 1(8x6), 1(10x10) and 1(22x18) = 650 roughly plus stairs and railing is where I got my figure. I believe I will end up doing it my self or waiting till next spring and have it done. Form the products I have seen mentioned here I am leaning toward ready seal and wood tux at the moment. Which would have the longest life span and/or be easiest for a novice. to apply. According to ready seal web site it does not need to be backbrushed after being sprayed? What kind of cleaner would be recomended. The deck was built and left (no stain, paint or sealer.) Just a note I have cleaned seal and sealed my fathers getaway cabin in the ga mountains. Fiin ishe dthe inside walls floor and cabinet with clear pol. and the outside walls with (sorry agien it was cheap for me thought) Behr. see pictures attached.
  3. Need to clean and seal 3 Decks???

    I thought there were better products available just did not know where to look that is how I found this sight. Only used bher premium before because my neighbor is one of there reps. 250 ft of fence 6' tall total cost $45. Sounded good sence I knew I would be moving in the future. I plan to stay at the new home so I want it done correct. I don't want to waste any of the pro's time but would be curious if any on could venture a guess on price for hiring a pro to tackle this in my stead. I was off as I am sure you noticed by the pics. footage is closer to 1000 sq/ft. Measured it last night. Thanks for all the input.
  4. Need to clean and seal 3 Decks???

    We are moving in two weeks the following link takes you to the virtual touur of the porches. http://www.circlepix.com/site/tour/fl_skin.htm?id=277152&page=virtual&room=bkyd.jpg&low=0&skin=193&flViewer= I am trying to determine if this is to much to handle or if I do need a pro? Thank you for the advice Beth n Rod. I will be reading up on ready seal and wood tux. Clifford