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Tristan Jones

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Posts posted by Tristan Jones

  1. Pool Deck- is it concrete? colored concrete? salted concrete? sealed concrete? concrete coating?

    If it's just concrete clean it with your normal concrete cleaner- TSP, Sodium Hyd, Potassium Hyd, Sodium Metasilicate... doesn't matter. If it's sealed with an acrylic, epoxy, poly or anything else, you can still use what you normally use to clean concrete, just cut it down to about 25-30% of the strength of your normal cleaning solution so it won't hurt the sealer. Also, using warm water is OK but nothing above 110-120 degrees. You don't want to strip the sealer off.

    Also, is there anything in particular you're cleaning it for? Pool decks are known for mold, slippery surfaces, calcium deposits, hard water stains, rust from pool chairs, oil from sunbathers etc.

    They are selling their house, so there's nothing really in particular I'm cleaning it for. Just the years of ground in dirt & a bit of moss in some places. Just trying to make the area look appealing. As far as I know it's just regular concrete - nothing special. But, to be fair & with that said, I know essentially nothing about concrete.

  2. Woah, woah. Stop right now. Apparantly, no one has explained to you that hood cleaners look down on flat workers. I mean, we are nice to them and all that. But they are not in our class of cleaners, we actually pity them some.

    Now you are going to the dark side? For pennance, you will be required to wear a skirt, red is always dramtic. Heels are not required but are a nice touch. The purse must be color coordinated with the shoes. You are also expected to post pictures here, of you in your skirt. Shaved legs are not required.

    Just so you understand, the pictures are of you, not the job.

    Please sir... may I have a pass just this once? After all it was only to help out family. I did it, but I felt sick and hated it the whole time... and skirts compliment none of my good features.
