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Everything posted by Adam12

  1. Awingin Cleaning, Sealing, And Pricing

    What kind of material are the awnings made of, If its canvas type 303 aerospace products make a good sealer. Vinyl awnings do it right products make a great cleaner sealer called 2 in one vinyl cleaner. Theres allot to talk about with price, how old have they ever been done before, are you doing the undersides also. Also you probly will have to clean the windows afterwards so add that into your price. How high are they, I don't really know prices where you are but give me more info and I would be more than happy to help in any way.
  2. If anyone cleans awnings in fairfield NJ zipcode 07004 send me a private message the awning is residential 25ft x 13ft retractable awning on a deck. I
  3. The best backpack or hand held blowers on the market are either Red Max or Shindaiwa. Either one of these will last many many years and they are both amazing pieces of equipment. They are probly more expensive both worth every cent.
  4. just bought switchback XT

    I also Have heard great things about Mathews a friend of mine has one. I use Bowtech. Its been pretty good. For those looking for great deals check out http://www.huntersfriend.com/ I got mine off there it was a great deal.
  5. First Time Home Buying Financing

    First, what I would do is try and find an area and price that seems affordable to you. Or what area will be a good return. Then I would contact Fannie Mae about the first time home buyers plan. You may have to put down 20% to get a great rate but there are ways to get a second or piggy back mortgage for that. I did it here in NY with SONYMA for NY state about 3 yrs ago and by the way it was a good thing, they paid all my closing cost and a 30 year fixed at 4.75 thats a deal.
  6. Any diabetics?

    One other note if you guys plan on testing your self don't get scared if you do it right after a meal, because your sugar will probably be over or close to 200. If you want to see Take a test after a meal than 2 to 3 hours later than take a fasting test 8 hrs later with no food. If everything is working properly you will be between 90 and 110 is the number now. Thats means your pancreas is creating enough insulin to regulate the sugars in your blood. If its 120 congrats no big deal.
  7. Any diabetics?

    Well i have seen people hit 1,000 but they are usually passed out. My level at 642 would have allot of people on the ground incapacitated. It varies with each person but at my level you are hospitalized for at least one to two days.
  8. Any diabetics?

    Scott, I was 27 when I had the systems of Diabetes Peeing, Sweating, Thirst. It runs in my family. I am not overweight at all and when I checked My blood sugar it was 642. The Doctor told me, that another week and I was in a Diabetic coma. I am now 31, I take one shot of insulin a day and some pills. First you must get checked, Second Allot can be controlled with diet and exercise. If you are a type 2 which means your not insulin dependent pills help. If you are a Type 1 there are varying decrees of how bad. The bottom line is, it doesn't reverse itself ounce you have it you have it. The only thing that happens is it gets worse in the fact that your pancreas stops producing insulin at all which means your on a shot before ever meal. So control if your body allows. Always remember that as long as you keep your blood sugar levels under control you can live a long happy life. If they are not well 10 15 yrs from now you will reap the consequences. If you go to the Doctor they will run a A1C test that test sugars in your body over a 3 month time and also a urine test for ketone's (sugar) in your urine. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me I have a pretty good Knowledge about this subject. I can't sit here and type it all. Adam @ (914) 879-7928 call later in the day or even better after 9:00 PM EST