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Everything posted by Diek

  1. Well I'll start off by saying I'm brand new to this (was a prior Home Inspector) and have been doing research, research, research. I thank you all for posting and helping out us newbies! I'm looking at starting up a company, my delima is Its getting to the time of year here in MI that the snow is going to start flying after not too long. Can this business be profitable starting out as a new guy during this time of year or would it be better waiting until spring? Looking at doing Fleet Washing, Homes, Flatwork, business fronts and the ussual stuff. I know houses are probably out along with flat work. Thanks ahead of time for your opinions! Scott
  2. Thanks for the info guys. Steve I'll take you up on that and give you a call this weekend somtime if you don't mind! Thanks again, I'm sure you'll see me posting questions again in the future.....LOL Take care everyone! Scott