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Posts posted by JEAPAINT

  1. Make sure you get a tint kit from Russell.

    Definitely getting a tint kit.

    I got the job. :dance: Deck is about 1500 sq ft and I'm also staining the house which is a california ranch about 4900 sq ft.

    I was thinking about getting the wood that I need in advance and let it sit out in the sun to weather a bit so it will match the old wood a little better. Do you think this is a good idea?

  2. I'm going to stain the wood once it's cleaned. She wanted to go with clear and I belive I have talked her out of it. I had suggested to her to go with a deeper color to help blend the old and new wood better. She may go with a cedar color. With as dry as this wood is I was thinking of using the 2 part wood tux system (wood tux DMC followed by a thin top coat of Wood tux wet). I have to talk to Russell about that.

    Thanks for the help. :)

  3. Looks like sun bleached out cedar to me.

    Thats what I'm thinking. Just trying to find out if it is WRC or some other type of cedar. The woman said she remembers paying more for a certain type of cedar, but doesn't remember the type.

    I have about 200ft of boards to replace. If I replace them with WRC the new boards will be red and the old will be bleached out. When I did the test cleaning I used Wolman Deckbrite cleaner because thats what I had in the truck at the time. When I do the actual cleaning I will use EFC-38 and citralic to brighten. Do you think this will help to bring the natural color back?

    nice camera you have looks like i'm inside the piece of wood! :cool:

    Thats the way I planned it. :D

  4. Thanks for the help guys!

    I'm gonna get a pic of it dry today and I'll post it here. When the wood is dry it is much lighter and has a slight yellowish tint. I'm also going to take off the small piece at the end that needs replaceing to help ID the wood.

    Is it possible to be WRC that has had the color bleached out by the sun or with a strong bleach solution? This wood is VERY DRY. I put some stain on a piece that needs replacing and the stain soaked in so fast it was dry in seconds. It's a shame when a deck like this has been neglected.

  5. I have a possible deck restoration job coming up. I did a test area on the deck and need some assitance ID'ing the wood. I first thought it was western red cedar, but after seeing the wood dry it may be white cedar or AYC. The pic is when the wood was wet. I fogot to bring my camera today when I went back to show the customer some color samples I did on a new piece of WRC.

    The deck is old and weathered. They put clear on it in the past. I've been explaining to them that a clear is no good. The guy at a paint store and another painter that they got an estimate from said that a clear is fine. The woman checked online and saw that a clear offers little to no UV protection. At least she knows that I'm being honest with her.



  6. Here is a quote from Sunbrites website "The Deckster deck sprayer is designed to handle both harsh cleaners and most wood deck sealers (light viscosity)."

    WTW is not a "light viscosity" sealer. Would the deckster spray WTW? If not in it's stock configuration, is there an upgrade to make it spray WTW? Where can the Decker 5'er be purchased? I did a search on Gooooogle and nothing came up for it. I am leaning towards the Deckster because it seems to be more readily available.

    I'm going to give Sunbrite a call on Monday if I get a chance. If somebody can post a link to a site that sells or has info on the Decker 5'er it would be greatly appreciated.



  7. Neil,

    Thanks for the response and info! I've heard of the Decker but can't seem to find any info on it. Where did you get it from?

    I like the hurricane brush that you can get with the deckster. Since I work alone and don't have someone to back brush for me, the hurricane brush seems like a good investment to get the sealer on the deck floor without having to put down the sprayer, backbrush, etc.

    Time is very tight. I work full time running my business. Between working during the day, going on estimates, figuring the estimates, plus having to do personal things, I'm surprised I get any sleep. Forget about having time to build a sprayer and get it working properly

  8. Rod,

    That was a very well put response to my questions.

    I appreciate the message at the begining of your post. You said it better then I could have. The words don't come off my finger tips that easily.:) Thank you!

    Like you, I am mostly concerned with the quality and longevity of the stain. I have a reputation for doing quality work inside and I want this to extend to decks as well. Using a poor performing product can damage a reputation very quickly.


  9. I will be offering deck staining next season to my customers. It has been a few years since I have done decks and just reserching different brands of stain. I have used Cabots and Benjamin Moore in the past with very good results. I personally prefer Cabots over Ben. Moore. Had a BIG problem with a Ben Moore stain on a deck. That is another story though.

    I am looking for opinions from the wood care pros. Please respect others opinions. I don't want this to turn into a big debate / fight about why a certain product is better then another.

    What brands of stain do you offer to your customers? Why do you like these products?

    Are there any brands that you refuse to use? Why?

    Thanks in advance,

