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Sud n Clean

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About Sud n Clean

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 11/11/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Nashville, Arkansas
  • Company Name
    Sud n Clean Power Washing
  • First & Last Name
    Brad Frost
  • City & State
    Nashville, Arkansas
  • Occupation
    Pressure Washing
  1. Hey Guys and Gals, I have a painter friend who has run into this problem, and has asked me to search it out. I don't have a good answer, but figured some of you might. Here's the deal: This is new construction, using cypress. The gable had been constructed for 6 - 8 months prior to staining. By that time, it was turning black. My painter friend used oxalic acid to remove the black, and brighten the cypress. He let it dry for several days, then applied a Sherwin Williams Woodscapes acrylic semi-transparent stain. it was several days later that the green appeared in the wood. Question: what to do to remove the green? I'm thinking, use a stain remover (arrgghh... Woodscapes acrylic is a bear to remove!!), brighten it, and start over. Any other thoughts? Including a stain remover for acrylic?!
  2. I want to ask permission to send a copy of the voter result graphic to a painter friend of mine. I'm trying to get him to stop thinking like a painter when it comes to decks, and start thinking like a wood restorationist (if that's a word LoL). In my opinion, even though the trades are very similar, there are some differences in how one approaches the project as well as the brands used. My painter friend has asked me to strip and prep a couple of decks for him, and I'm trying to "convert" him, in a sense. Regardless, the main thing to keep in mind is that the customer deserves the best for the money they spend.
  3. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Ok, so I'm slow to get around to the different areas, but dropped in here to say hello and introduce myself. I'm Brad Frost, and my company is Sud n Clean Power Washing. I spent over 12 years as a factory worker. In December of 2008, I and several others got laid off when the recession hit. I live and work in rural SW Arkansas, were agriculture is big, especially poultry and cattle. My initial thought was to find some service I could provide in the Agri sector. A friend asked me if I'd thought of pressure washing poultry houses. "No! And don't want to!" was my reply. But, before long the economics of being laid off bought me to a decision point. I was either going to get into logistics for a national trucking company, or buy a pressure washer and wash poultry houses. (I gather you've guessed what I chose.) My first day of business was August 1, 2009, and I have to say, I really enjoy working for myself, providing a service that's needed, and not having to punch a time clock everyday. Yeah, I get filthy and smelly, but I get a kick at looking at a clean set of tunnel fans that used to be covered in dirt and dust. I've branched out and am PWNA certified in house washing, wood restoration, and roof washing. Last year I purchased a little 18" flat wash machine and have done several concrete projects. You can find me online at www.sudnclean.com, or search "Pressure Washing in Nashville, Ar" on MerchantCircle.com. I really appreciate the help I've gotten already from the few posts I've submitted, as well as reading several threads on subjects I've been curious about. Hope to one day be a help to someone, just as many of you have been a help to me. Thanks!
  4. Hey, lots of good info, guys. Very much appreciated.
  5. Price

    Hey, I'm for whatever I can do to help my business and my customers. Thanks
  6. Thought I'd send along a couple of pics of a PT pine wood ramp at a local country church. It was a new install last year. I'd done a residential house wash for the treasurer, and she contacted me about staining/sealing the ramp. Gave her an estimate, and advised her to wait a while, and next spring, we'd go after it. Wasn't too difficult... still used a stripper and brightener, though. Then came back with Light Oak Ready Seal. Just got an email reply to a follow up I sent to her. Said, "Brad, The ramp looks great!" Aww, shucks.
  7. Thanks, David. I was in your neck of the woods last October @ the PWNA Convention. (Little known AR-TN facts - Nashville and Murfreesboro are just miles from each other, both in Tennessee and Arkansas.) Back to Thompson's, I understand it is a water based finish, rather than an oil/paraffin based finish. I've heard that wood cannot breathe with Thompson's, causing the wood to fail prematurely. Also, that the oil/paraffin based finishes, when applied correctly, soak into the wood, revitalizing the wood, replacing the natural oils that go away with time. Not to mention the UV protection of the pigments, should something other than clear be chosen. Just seeking verification, as well as good talking points to help my potential customer understand the risks and benefits of his decision.
  8. Been Using M5 X-jet, looking for more! Advice Please.

    Thanks, Rick. My concern is high pressure rinse with a 40 degree nozzle vs the low pressure of the jet.
  9. Price

    Adam, you said, "The software I use for estimating allows me to input my real world production rates for everything we do, and then output a figure based on those." What's the software you use, if you don't mind.
  10. Been Using M5 X-jet, looking for more! Advice Please.

    Ok, question from another X-jetter. I like the X-jet for the low pressure way I can lay the water on the siding. Couldn't I down stream using the soap nozzle, and keep the X-jet for rinsing? (Am using a 4gpm 4000psi unit). Also, is there an adjustable ds pickup out there?
  11. Talking to a potential customer who just recently installed a pressure treated pine fence. Asked him his idea about a finish. Said he was really thinking of Thompson's Water Seal. I'd like a little feedback from you folks with mucho experience... I understand that Thompson's is NOT a good product. Those who have encountered Thompson's, is this true? I need talking points/facts to speak to him intelligently. Been using Ready Seal since I stained my first deck in 2010. Never been disappointed. But, never spoke with someone who really wanted Thompson's, either. Thanks in advance for your input.