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James A. Lewis

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Everything posted by James A. Lewis

  1. Equipment

  2. Now here's a sweet pickup truck

    John T, thats a fine truck hope you get it your logo will look good on that one.Did you sell the car yet?
  3. Pressure Washing Rip Off

    Here is a great opportunity to turn bad news into great news while offering a solution to this kind of situation.Len, it would be terrific if you contacted Tim Waller at channel 4 that ran that story and offer a solution as to what to look for when you are looking for a professional to wash your home.I think your business would soar to the highest level.And he would more than likely welcome the opportunity. Jim
  4. Difficult Awning Cleaning made easy

  5. Customer/Contractor Survey

    Rod, I agree there are frustrations being a service company.A direct approach with the customer is first and foremost, this lying the groundwork for the relationship beyond this point,an agreement.There are those who can really heat things up. I had a customer who would do exactly what you described, he would call and expect immediate service and complain about this stain and that. I did jump quickly to solve his issues and I was successful in making this customer my best customer by demonstrating that his business was as important to me as my own.He graded me and I graded him at the same time, in our heads.He never expected me to do anything for free.I just add extras to the bills and my contract always says:additional services added while on-site will be billed accordingly.I read there are 9 different types of customers you will come in contact with.I have a small list like yourself of customers to avoid who fall into the 9 personalities.Most of those 9 I can find a way to deal with.If your list is small as you say sounds like you do a fine job at customer relations.You are not your average contractor and taking the high ground is who you are. Just keep doing what you do best.I wouldn't allow a few to destroy my attitude on any day.I just dont agree on giving any customer a speaking to about thier inabilities to please me, I will just move on.
  6. Customer/Contractor Survey

    Rod, are you serious? I make a report card for the customer in my head. I do the grading when I do the billing.You make things tough and I make a larger bill.You make things easy its going to keep me there working for you.The quality of the work will not change. interesting question.
  7. Time To Give Back!

    I ordered mine, a terrific tool to add to our saferty program.
  8. New website: Comments please!

    I recall a guy from texas who claimed to have designed some of kbks' brochures.nobody asked him what his intentions might have been.Did you Mike?He hasn't been back dont worry. he got tarred and feathered,anybody that uses others works and claims them thiers deserves to be called on the carpet.Good for you Philip having worked it out with Celeste.I have edited my post only based on thier believe that it wasn't intentional and that they think highly of you,I respect Celeste.great you have taken down all the info that may have been mistaken,but the open apology says there may be many others are there?is it possible?. I said there is nothing put on my site that I don't approve and I know whats mine and what isn't! I stand by that solidly!You may want to be more careful next time.As far as the "I hate Fox avatar" it speaks for it self,Philips got a tough skin he can take it Mike your more the crybaby about it here. Mike , there is no good hate, you need to reevaluate that statement.As I will reevaluate philip and this situation.I am a reasonable person.Maybe I am a little hard on this a touchy situation for me,I wont go into that here and now.but a crack in credibility is a crack in credibility. Mike you need to chill out, Iam doing my job,do you really think this is okay for newbies to know printing anything of anyones work is gonna get a pass?even if you apologize when you get caught?Was it because the guy from texas isn't in you circle of wagons that he didn't get a pass?Maybe as the site moderator you should be removed.Ethics stand tall here and promoting high standards is what this site is all about.I accept the apology Philip has made on this site,however the actions are unacceptable and your giving a pass is unacceptable as well.Philip there is a crack in your integrity brought on by yourself,I surely hope this is rectified within yourself, thats something Mike won't be able to cover for you here.but good try there Mike.I will not comment on this subject beyond this post so do all the whining you want mike, for me you have no credibility any longer.However Bill Clinton could really use you now.
  9. My new brochure and flyer - take a look!

    Anthony , you dont sell coffee anymore let it go. youv'e got to let it go."think grease".Starbucks does not package for any one else. especially publix.I hate starbucks.....well.......its addicting.
  10. Rk-43 P.s.i. Adjustment

    sounds like an unloader to me. Just replaced one myself.
  11. New website: Comments please!

    The site looks okay.
  12. Getting Shot Down!

    here is some good sales advice as well "bury that one and move on to the next" quit wasting time worrying over why you didn't get that job. If you are a good salesman you will figure that out anyway, you just dont win them all.I also believe a good salesman cant sell any product to anybody, thats a con artist not a salesman. If you truly believe in what you sell you will sell more of it than the person who doesn't thats the bottom line. would you buy what you are selling? if not why would anyone else? Buy the product from yourself and then you will sell it with ease.
  13. Help Name New Company

    Jason, If you were in los angeles you could call your self "boyz in the hood". thats registered so dont even try to pirate that! and a "hotshot" is a fire fighter right Anthony.
  14. My Car is for sale!!

    John, I just sold my 1970 SS El Camino what a babe had it forever. are you sure you want to get rid of it? I sold it to a really old friend who just begged and begged for years and finally for the right price I let her go.
  15. My Car is for sale!!

    can't fool me this is an undercover police car !
  16. Hello, new guy here

    this has been a question for many companies. Do I go with the traditional white or take the road less traveled and add color. Going with color surely will put you out there and get you noticed, It works for me. However I know guys who have dressed white up to look pretty good.If you want to bring attention to your company go mack daddy with color and let yourself be known. GMC trucks deliver commercial grade power.
  17. Stolen gas

    next !
  18. Stolen gas

    Here's an idea..........quit leaving the gas out to steal. or anything else that can be stolen. problem solved. next post.
  19. I need help...

    Celest,would you mind sending me a copy of that contract as well? I do have a few to work from here at the present but could always use a finer tuning. underpressureinc@verizon.net thanks Jim
  20. Oh poop

    This is a funny post but its a valid post that has been finding results and thats great!what ever the job is the answers can be found here at the Grime scene. I had a woman call and ask me if I could powerwash the cigarette stains off her acoustic cieling and walls in her house. Sure I can soon as the damage waiver is signed. No we did not move forward on that one. Cheesecloth works great on porceloin toilets no scratches left" behind" pun intended.
  21. Before Hiring Immigrants read This NOW......

    outdated? liberals, they are outdated and useless. love my x-jet more than anyone.
  22. TGS shirts - interested?

    Beth, we would buy the shirt to support the site, and we would wear it if it looked really cool....say........."like mine". we would swap with any one else out there as well.
  23. Does anyone have DR-60?

    Dominion out of business,this is a shocker.maybe they will restart soon
  24. What is your average driving distance to job?

    The farthest acct I have is 66 miles,I will be letting this one go before to long. I just passed a large job over to another washer that was more than 50 miles even though the money would have been good. I have decided to work closer to the home base to better serve the customer for any situation that may arise with them, emergency call etc.Time is money and there is enough work locally to not have to travel to far.
  25. the school of hard knocks and good help from this board and others combined with the drive to succeed will get you there."the only way to predict the future is to create it yourself." thanks for the vote of confidence Alan and thanks for spotting the typo the other day!