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Exterior Solutions

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Everything posted by Exterior Solutions

  1. Superbowl bound

    I think with a soft schedule like the Colts have it will be a crime if they don't go undefeated. If you want to look at a tough schedule to compare the Colts look no further than the Chargers. If you're still in the reasearch mood take a look at the Schedule of the '72 fish (I think '72) when they went undefeated. They didn't play a single playoff team in the regular season that year. It's all good though, they were undefeated throughout the playoffs too of course. I think the Colts will have some problems with San Diego and Seattle not to mention Denver in the playoff's. Denver...the real big "D"!!!! I'm a sailor that joined the Navy from Colorado so don't acuse me of jumping on the bandwagon like Jeff has......... :)
  2. Introduction

    Lance, I'm here in Jax during the week and in P-cola on the weekends. I'm a Navy "geo bachelor". Good to meet you. Jon
  3. End of the year

    Thanks Squirtgun. I'll have to do some research. I want to do as much out of pocket as possible. I have some capital to work with, but having options is alway's nice. Jon
  4. Introduction

    Ken, I agree about the customer service end. I'm doing everything to prevent having to go into debt to get this off the ground. I've done okay thus far. I still need to improve some of my equipment, but I'm working as of now. I read a post on another tread about leasing. I would consider that if I knew I wasn't going to get raped.... Thanks for your help. Jon "Jon's Exterior Solutions"
  5. End of the year

    Jeff, Where, pray tell, does one lease equipment like this? Thanks, Jon "Jon's Exterior Solutions"
  6. Introduction

    I too have been reading a lot of posts on this site before even signing up. I haven't gotten any feedback on a post that I made earlier either. It's all good though. I don't know what your budget is, but you can start at $1,000 machine from Lowes (13hp, 4gpm) and work from there. I don't even have that good of a machine and am doing business. I haven't done any wood restoration, but I've done a lot of roofs and houses. I sub for a couple of local long time established guy's here in town. Good luck in the business. "Jon's Exterior Solutions" Jacksonville, FL.