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Everything posted by jgoral76

  1. Your Health

    Today I read on a web site Jacklalanne.com about juicing and the benefits of it.On this site it had very valuable info on how to detoxify your body of all the s+++ we put in it. A colon cleanse was also mentioned also water. I urge you all to check it out and maybe give it a try. They may try to sell you a juicer made by jack but some thgings can be made with a blender, or food processer. there are recipes too. I was at one point(18yrs) a very musclular man but have gotten a little fat due to many things in which could fill 2 pages in this thread, but I am back on a plan and gonna try to eat much much better and do this juice plan. Try it it may change your life. jeff g.
  2. Big ones

    hey Jeff have you ever considered doing a marketing class i mean man just reading some of your stuff is like motivationale. If you do sign me up. It seems like you know all the right buttons to push. O just curious how was it when you first started with everything slow or right off the rip fast.
  3. Aluminum Siding

    hey Pure clean do a search i asked this very ? and Rod and Beth gave me a great anwser.
  4. my computer

    ok as some may know i bought a new computer and after listening to some of you , man i got 1 BAD A== MACHINE so much i have'nt had a chancr to use yet but in time so thanks for all suggestions dell e510 1gb 160hd 256grahicscard so much more 1200 otd. sweet
  5. Motivational Speech

    man i feel like rocky when the old guy spoke to him .
  6. oxy clean

    just curious has anyone use it with there washing solution whats the outcome ?
  7. Now I have seen EVERYTHING. Check THIS service out!

    ah Russ to fuuny still laughing, there is a billboard called POOP SCOOP KING in mi.
  8. Stupid Computers

    Ok Wife And I Decided Now A Great Time To Buy A New Computer. So I Go On Dell And Man What The Hell Is Some Of This Stuff, So Now My Buddy Has To Come Over To Help Me Decided What I Need And What I Want. I Think 1500 Is My Max.ahhhhhh Computersare A Pita Sometimes.
  9. House Paint Prep

    I also do painting so, just try to get as much of the chipped paint off as possible with washer then scrape as the others have said, but beware not to use to much preasure, chems i don't think would be needed if a wood sided home.my.02.good luckoh you may want to tarp off as much ground as possible so your not raking chips for 8 hrs. cover anything you feel my get exposes to those chips be careful if leaded paint....
  10. Stupid Computers

    well I know some of us including myself are anti foreign computers, but ended up with a dell e510 with 1gb mem 160hard 256 game card a probably a bunch more stuff i cant use but wife can 1200 so not bad plus can write off next year and can use as business computer with new software. now i need to figure out how to work the damm thing. lol thanks
  11. I've been trying to get price rates for my area

    great advice John. also by putting pics in a binder you save money on advertising.
  12. News Letters

    Simple How Do Some Of You Come Up With One And Maintain It What Do You Include In It.
  13. Detroit

    This is for us Michigan guys in the sunday news classified section, the company that owns the people mover has a bid open for the cleaning of all decking, concrete colums and rail system this is a great oppurtunity for some. I can not do becuse a lack of equipment but would LOVE to help for experience sake so place your bids. also they want this all sealed using hydozo 40 i think. pm me if i can help either way. jeff
  14. Detroit

    hey jim not sure if you mean hook me up with that product or what?? again this is not something i want to try myself for 3 reasons 1.. lack of equipment 2. lack of experience in that field of pwing.3 how to bid on that. BUT I WOULD LOVE TO HELP SOMEONE LOCAL DO THIS EITHER AS A TEMP EMPLOYEE OR JUST FOR EXPERINCE OR BOTH.. BOTH SOOUNDS BETTER.. LOL LOL. THIS WOULD BE SOMETHING THAT REQUIRES 2-525 GALS WITH TRAILER AND A CREW.AND BOOM LIFT. THIS IS A HUGE UNDERTAKING FOR ANY CO.
  15. Business write-offs, or not

    Oh No Ryan Remember The Idiots Who Wrote The Irs Code Do Not Have Common Sense Thats Why Its The Irs. Lol Lol
  16. Bleach and Sodium hydroxide

    I Agree With Most If Not All That This Is Some Sales Guy Trying To Fear Us On His / Their Product. Maybe A More Kinder Aproach Would Have Been Merrited On His Part As To Say Free Samples. We Are Pros And We All Take Great Strides To Insure The Customers Safety And Also Our Own Not To Mention The Property We Are At. I Think We All Have Seen Or Heard What The End Result Is For Not Doing So. Again We Are The Pros Who Do The Job We Know Our Jobs, So Chemist Man Try Again.... Also If Some Co. Or Person Has A Product That May Be Better Try Us.
  17. Love my compitition

    I've Only Been In This Biz For 1 Yr But It's A True Time Tale, Show Up When Your Said You Would Do A Fantastic Job And Exceed The Cutomers Expectations And You Will Be Customers 1st Chioce And Only. I Help My Bro In Law With Sub Contacting Guys To Renovate Abanded Homes And Like You All Said 1 Of 10 Show Up. How Do They Stay In Biz... Keep Up The Good Work Guys...some Of Us Aint All That Bad.
  18. Why PWing?

    I started over 1 yr ago because this auto industry im inis going down. but I really like doing it the interacting with people also.
  19. What would you buy?

    I think if money is an issue getting a wand would be logical because you can get 1 for 100 to 200 bucks and a GOOD surface cleaner is 300 to 400 just my opinion
  20. spiders

    Okay I just picked up a new client and he's also a mortgage banker which is good because hopefully it will lead me to more money, anyway he wants me to clean his home V siding and he asked if i could spray something for spiders does anyone have or recommend anything eother with wash water or after. thanks
  21. spiders

    thanks I'm sure he'll appreciate the honesty.
  22. Internet M.S.D.S. database

    great Rod that what some of us needed.
  23. Gutter cleaning Complexes

    hey guys hate to sound dumb but exactly what are you using to clean out these gutters, by hand extensoin pole with bendable gutter tool, what?
  24. Promotional Video for my website

    Cool Man Very Cool, Thats A Why Did'nt I Think Of That Idea.
  25. Most and least favorite services you offer

    Like-house Work- Gutters-buildings Havent Done Much More To Hate Anything Yet. Oh Wait Hate When Customer Says 'thats As Clean As You Can Get It'. Yeah 50bucks Thats It.