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Jason Reider

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Posts posted by Jason Reider

  1. I'm in south-central PA, everyone is expecting the worse. Generators were sold out early Thursday in ALL stores around here. There was a 200 person waiting list at the local Lowe's to get a generator if they got another shipment in. We had a lot of flooding last Fall. This looks to be just as bad or worse.

    Some guy on Craigslist advertised generators. He said he had a trailer load he bought at Lowe's and will be selling them for $200-300 more than he paid. Unbelievable how someone can take advantage of people like that. I noticed today that his ads were flagged and a few were posting nasty things about him.

  2. I read the articles from Martin Armstrong. He has a great insight to what is really going on with our government and economy. You can read his essays at Martin Armstrong - UNOFFICIAL SITE - Economic Essays, Currency Trading, Global Economic Analysis, Princeton Economics, Kondratieff Wave, Kwaves, Prison, Business Cycles, Currency Trading, Gold and Silver Investing. I do agree with you John. Business has been doing well, but the economy isn't improving.

  3. If you have a few decent supply companies around your area, you can build your owns system for 1/4 the cost of a $900+ system. Also, if you have a Tractor Supply store near you, check out their 25 gallon tank / pump / sprayer combinations. I have two (one for cleaning solutions and one for stain) and they work pretty well if you simply replace the hose with a vinyl and the sprayer with whatever is most appropriate for your particular use. Recently I aquired a wood defender ST-250 Pro setup and am completely in-love with it. I can spray extremely quickly with maximum coverage but honestly the machine is quite pricey $$$.

    As far as equipment and product goes, I did not see anyone post anything about the wood defender products. Anyone have experience with their products? I have used them now since april and except for the price I am quite pleased with their performance.

    Hey Bryan - That ST-250 Pro setup looks fantastic! I bet you do love it. I never thought about the Tractor Supply option. How much hose did you run on those, and from your experience, how durable are they?

  4. I think I bid it well. I figured up the square footage, and also came up with how many hours I thought it would take based on my production times. I just hope my measurements/guesstimates were good. I also figured a PITA into the bid.

    The township is looking for a new contractor to take this project over. The supervisor stated the old contractor did sub-par work, and I noticed that while doing the walk-thru. He also said that that contractor was half the price of the others. Imagine that!

  5. These are pics of a bid I put in for a township the other week. The entire playground including the fence and picnic tables needs washed (not stripped) and stained with a semi-solid. This also includes inside of the playground towers and bridges. I had to really focus when taking measurements and guesstimates. Decks are one thing, but this kind of had my head spinning and second guessing myself at times while figuring up a price.






  6. I'm right there with you Adam. I could go on for a long time why I'm against many of modern medicine's practices, but I will bite my tongue on this. Yes, you should see your doctor when something is wrong, but don't blindly follow their advice. Do your due diligence and make an educated decision by truly studying the situation. Don't be afraid to question, disagree or refuse when discussing your health options. Doctors are just like any profession; there are great professionals, average professionals and terrible so-called professionals.

  7. I have never been a fan of gutter cleaning tools like these, because I doubt my customers want a major mess in their landscaping or yard. I also don't blow out dry leaves for that reason. We use ladders and buckets. We always use a stabilizer on the ladders. If it looks too dangerous, I decline the job. Taking safety risks is not fair to my family.
