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Everything posted by BenTate

  1. Right on! Looking forward to being apart of your forum!
  2. Dan, Hate to bring up an old post, but at ABR Products we hope to keep in touch with any restoration discussions. We dont typically promote our heavy caustic solutions for weathered wood restoration. Unless remediating heavy organic problems or prior coatings, we see good results by just using an oxalic acid blend (the X-180 Weathered Wood Restorer). Oxalic acid is non-caustic and is commonly marketed as wood bleach/brightener. In stronger solutions, and combined with a release agent of soap (our blend of x-180), we see great results in washing dirty wood and removing the dead layer of grey wood. Its is certainly not a miracle product but works well for mild restoration jobs and or a neutralizer. Natural Seal, our separate line of Wood Preservatives, is where the historically strong smell comes. (Note* in 2010 ABR changed the provider of fungicides, significantly improving smell) Believe it or not, a ton of complaints came in when we improved the smell. An actual quote, "We liked the old smell, cause we knew it was working!" Thanks to some recent advantages in our providers we have been able to slightly improve our preservative's results while still helping the smell. Please note smell has improved but the exterior grades should still never be used indoors. The smell is better, but it is still part of our product and is a large reason for the product longevity we claim! Hope this helps any future readers. Ben