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Everything posted by Jarrod

  1. On a deck, I measure all flooring, benches and steps (each step counts as 2 b/c of the kick board) If you charge accordingly, you will make $. We don't "clean" decks. We use stripper on all decks. Much easier & faster. Please, nobody jump up my a$$. It really works. And NO! It does NOT fuzz up the wood! Don't knock it til' you try it. And if it didn't work for you, you did it wrong! (WOW!) That was pretty direct Jarrod. Yeah, it was, but, I just didn't want this thread to derail with questions about my methods. Well, I guess I see your point. Thank you for understanding. You're welcome! ps> Don't mind me, I'm just talking amongst myself!
  2. Load capacity

    Well, I took the van for a test drive today. Runs great. The payload is 1670 lbs. I'll probably buy it tomorrow. There were 3 other guys looking at it today. When I got there, one of them was taking it for a test drive. I'll post pics when (if) I get it. BTW, I offered him $3200.00 OTD. It was priced at $3500.00. What do you all think?
  3. Load capacity

    Thank you Shane. The van I'm looking at is the cargo version. I looked everywhere for this info yesterday. I just could not find it. Is the payload on the cargo version the same as the passenger version?
  4. How profitable?

    Dan, you are welcome to call me on Saturday. I can help you.
  5. PW conching out

    Check the air filter.
  6. 24

    Just wait, it gets much better! Wear s seatbelt man!
  7. 24

    Yeah, Jack's "nephew" does look like him and Jack's daughter.
  8. Big Screen T.V.s

    That's a nice tv. We have the same one in our living room. We bought it last July after we moved the 65" Mitsu to the basement. (Nightmare!) We really like it. Mitsu rocks. Both tv's have been really good ones. 24 in HD really rocks! I'm getting my HD DVR from Direct TV installed on Feb 5. No more commercials!
  9. 24

    I have never seen Jack's dad in any of the seasons yet. I saw his bro last season. That was a shocker. At least his bro's wife is hot!
  10. hot water cold water

    When in doubt, stay on the couch! Seriously, I've heard the same thing too.
  11. 24

    The 1st season rocks! I just started watching it again this morning. I always watch 1 or 2 episodes while I work out in the mornings. It keeps my mind off of the pain. (Those 2lb. curls are really kikin' my a$$!)
  12. Im Back

    Where have you been MISTER! We've been looking all over for you! Nice to see ya back!
  13. 24

    I have all but season 4 of 24. I would like to buy that one.
  14. Paint or Stain?

    Sand it, or sell him a wrecking ball.
  15. 24

    Heck yes!
  16. 24

    BTW, you can buy the first 4 hours of season 6 on dvd right now! 10 to 15 bucks.
  17. 24

    Mike, just get a dish.
  18. 24

    Celeste, I know. But you have to admit, that is one of the things that makes the show so great. I was shocked, pissed off & sad all at once.
  19. Please Keep Them In Your Prayers

    Prayer sent!
  20. Training

    It's good that you want to learn first before you do the work. A lot of guys wait until they ruin 25 decks b4 they learn! The best way to learn is to work with a successful pwer's crew for a few days. You are welcome to come up here and work with us in the spring. Bring a camcorder and a note pad. There's a lot of people here that will do the "labor for learning" thing.
  21. t-shirts

    I just ordered mine. Cool idea Scott!
  22. Got A New Toy!!!!

    Sweet ride man! I like the wood trim.
  23. Gay flight attendant

    That was classic! LOL!
  24. Your experienced opinion please - Scenario - Let's say you did 100 decks last year. Avg. price was $750.00 per deck. That means your gross was $75,000.00. What do you say the breakdown on the following items should be? Please, no percents. Just dollars. I broke the results down into 2 different categories. Obviously, typical speaks for itself, optimal is for someone with realistically good closing skills and runs an efficient company. BTW, this is also based on the business owner not doing any of the labor. He/she will be too busy doing estimates! Item -------------Typical Results -------------Optimal Results Adv. Cost Supplies Wages Gas (ballpark) Profit