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Everything posted by Jarrod

  1. Correct Knowledge

    Hey John, When you mention Flood, are you talking about the same company that makes CWF Flood deck stain that H.D. sells?
  2. Hanging out/Shwing

    Good riddance!
  3. Opinion please

    Don, 4 gpm is not what you want! Go with the 5.6 gpm unit at least! Look at the 8gpm and the 10 gpm ones here. (Scroll down to the 3rd & 4th ones. http://mobicleaninc.com/store/category/btvf/Engine_Powered_Cold_Water.html Now that's a deal! I don't know anyone that really likes a 4 gpm unit. They just settle for them.
  4. Hydro Tek SC30008KAF?

    We have an 8 gpm Hydro & it works great. Going on 6 yrs now. Knock knock.
  5. TGS worth $$$

    This BBS is priceless to me. All of the great people & info here are great!
  6. Best Christmas Gift Ever!

    Congrats Scott!!
  7. New 3500/5.5 from PressureTek

    Finally! Someone else to back up what I've been saying! BTW Rob, why not send 1 guy instead of 2 and use an X-Jet or d.s. injector?
  8. removing stain off vinyl siding

    You can also use deck stripper.
  9. New 3500/5.5 from PressureTek

    That's hilarious! Yes, the pressure will be higher with the small tip. Just back off a bit. Is supply really an issue everywhere you go? I doubt it. Like I said on the phone while I was headlocking you with my "pipes," start out with a 25 gal tank. If you need to go bigger, go bigger. If you already have a 50 gal tank (or larger) use that for starters. I always have 50 to 200 gallons in my tank, & I have never ran out of water. On Monday, we started out with 50 gallons. After 4 hours of washing a filthy fleet of trucks, we were FULL!
  10. English/Spanish

    That just about sums it up perfectly!
  11. New 3500/5.5 from PressureTek

    I have never in the 5 years I've owned an 8 gpm, ran into water supply issues. I highly doubt that you will either. Go with an 8!!! All you need is a 25 gallon water tank.
  12. Just Curious Death penalty or not?

    Question, how many innocent people are murdered every day by those pieces of crap? I'm sure that there are waaaaaay more innocent people murdered on the outside of those prisons than there are on the inside. Bleeding heart libs always bleed for the wrong side! It's funny how thay always stick up for the terrorists, rapists & murdurers until it happens to them or someone close to them. Rod, God bless you for being a smart business man and a good person. I think you really mean well, it's just that there's a time to get rid of certain trash in this world. People that don't like the smell of it shouldn't be so hard on the people that are "waste mgmnt." No offense, just my humble fact.
  13. Just Curious Death penalty or not?

    Celeste for prez!!!!!!!
  14. Leaving the house

    Yes, she has 2 sisters. But they are already married. Thanx for the compliment. I'm gonna tell her today. She will just laugh & blush. I LOVE it when she does that!
  15. Leaving the house

    Sounds like Ken has had his share of "fresh" air today!
  16. Yes, I use a 360 gallon tank. Anyone with an 8gpm unit should always use at least a 50 - 100 gallon tank. I did not mention that in my earlier post b/c I thought that was common knowledge. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Thanx for pointing that out.
  17. Homeowner Perspective - a must read

    Nice post Ken. Thanx for sharing.
  18. Everything! Trucks, decks, houses, buildings, kids with Kool Aid stains on their faces - EVERYTHING!!!!!!
  19. Actually, it's much easier on your wrists, arms, & shoulders. Since you are using more volume, you use way less pressure.
  20. 3.5 gpm is useless. Buy a 5.5 at least.
  21. vinyl siding cleaning revisited

    Don is correct. Use the following procedures when house washing. 1. - Apply soap to portion of house. 2. Rinse windows RIGHT AWAY! 3. Wait 2-5 minutes for soap to work. (Moldy siding especially.) 4. Rinse siding, gutters, soffits & windows well and move to the next section. By the way, Emulsifer Plus has always worked really well for us. Click on this link and read it. http://mobicleaninc.com/store/category/9yd2/House_Washing.html This comes in a powder form and is not as costly as other chems.
  22. I reorganized my truck

    I finally got the time to reorganize my truck. I had 2 huge water tanks towards the front of the box. 1 360 gal fresh water tank & 1 275 gal recovery tank. They were side by side. They took up 2 much room. Since I don't really need a 275 gal recovery tank, I removed it and replaced it with a 55 gal. tank. I left room for a 2nd one if needed. Doing this allowed me to center the 360 gal fresh water tank. The now recovery tank used to be my soap tank. I replaced that with a 175 gal tank. Now, we don't ever have to stop working to make soap on tha job site. Thal saves us about 1 hour of time per fleet that we wash. The brushes were always hung up but the guns were not. I wanted everything off of the floor. On the right side, there used to be a hugr tool cabinet, 6x4x2. I took that out and put up pegboard and hung everything there - and it all stays hung! On the floor is my 2.8 gpm @ 2000 psi soap sprayer. That used to sit in the middle between the reels. I now have way more room and the truck is more efficient. The pwer in this truck is the 8 gpm. By the way, all of this equip. is 5 years old. Everything is a bit dirty because we washed 96 school busses on a dirt lot yesterday. That place always trashes my trucks.
  23. how to handle non-paying customer

    Yes, Jeff. You are lucky! The prop. mgrs. here are mostly scum bags. They don't pay worth crap, and they really take their time paying too. Here, they know nothing about the biz. They just want the guy with the H.D. pwer, pink bucket & a wedgie.