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Everything posted by Jarrod

  1. Reaching out to a fellow contractor

    LOL. I hate typing, so I always cut to the chase. On the phone, I'm a blabber mouth, but on the boards, I'm not blabber fingers.
  2. Reaching out to a fellow contractor

    Don't waste your time. The fact that you have to explain pricing to this guy means that he's too ignorant to get it anyways. I know from experience.
  3. Am I too high on residential

    You are about to make the same toxic mistake that many in the pw biz make all the time. It's not you, it's them. Who is "them?" "Them" are the cheap people you should not be marketing to. Whatever you do, don't drop your prices b/c 2 "thems" wont hire you. Learn how to market your biz better. Hint - demagraphics
  4. Two Men And A Truck

    I'm surrounded by much worse in MI. 30 of them are near me. Trade ya.
  5. Lazarus Needs Your Opinion

    Scott, great to see you back. When you get a chance call me, we need to catch up man! I like the logo, try a couple different blue backgrounds. Metallic blue would pop nicely
  6. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    Thanx Jeff. You have to come next time. I really wanna meet you.
  7. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    I'm so sick of all of the liberal scare tactics and self lothing BS!
  8. If it's a tough job, I would wait until it's at least 70 degrees. If it's an oil base, 55 deg. on up.
  9. New arrivals

    Congrats Gramps!
  10. PT State Down?

    I got on today Chris. Maybe Bob just doesn't like you anymore. JK
  11. ACR Round Table March 15th 2008

    Wow, what a coincidence. It's on the same weekend as the MI RT.
  12. Is that the acrylic stuff?
  13. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Tiered pricing is fine BUT your lowest tier cannot be a lowball price. Even more, do NOT advertise with prices. If you do, you'll have to stick with them and when you don't, you'll have to "justify" the hell out of why it's higher. The customer will think that you are just lying to make a profit. Your "justifications" will be viewed as lame excuses. As far as my prices go, I will never tell anyone local what I charge. Most hacks will just underbid me. I will tell you this though, you can easily double your prices and make a good living. Ed, you have to make a choice - do you want to be busy, OR do you want to be profitable. It's as simple as that. I have almost 20 years of sales experience, I know what I'm talking about.
  14. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    BTE Barry, great post. That's what I was trying to say too, except it was laced with napalm. Sometimes my "passion" gets in the way. LOL
  15. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    This thread is really seperating the pros from the hacks.
  16. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Are you a doubter? If not, then my post was not directed to you. It sounds to me that you are of the same mind set as myself.
  17. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    I can't even begin to explain how tired of these $99 morons I am. I view them all as scum and just an annoyance to the industry. This guy has been in business for a few years now and still hasn't learned. I know I come across as harsh, but instead of helping these hacks, I'd rather just get rid of them. They simply can't be helped b/c of their mentallity.
  18. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    You just don't get it. Go work at McDonalds
  19. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    The ad reads - any deck power washed $89.00 (up to 500 sq. ft.) So, tell me Kevin, is this type of advertising good or bad for the industry?
  20. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Here, means in my area. $99 idiots are lowballers - period. Wake up man!
  21. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    90% of the "contractors" here in MI are lowballers
  22. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Fellow pros, this is an example of what I'm surrounded by every year. People wonder why I HATE the $99 hacks so much, well this is why. They are all the same - stupid, useless idiots that do nothing but cause this industry to suffer. Some of you reading this are probably thinking "Wow, Jarrod's being kinda harsh." Yes, I am! And rightly so. One thing is for certain, you can't change a lowballer's mentallity. They are that way because that is simply that way they are wired. I refuse to even attempt to help them anymore. Instead I treat them accordingly - like an irritating peice of gum on the bottom of my shoe - scrape it off and move on.
  23. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    You doubters really need to listen to Scott & myself. I have been in business for 7 years and I not stupid. The fact that this has to be explained means that you doubters just don't get it to begin with. You are a waste of my time. Go work at McDonalds.
  24. What's wrong with this guy ? ....

    Good for him. These lowball ads are the perfect example of what's wrong with our industry. Now us real contractors have to fight the customer's skewed perception as well as the competition. I have absolutely no respect for hacks that advertise with low prices to make their phone ring. I can't believe that you are defending this crap Ron. You know better.