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Everything posted by Jarrod

  1. How does it strain the motor and pump? If you have an D.S. injector in your line & you are using a high pressure tip, the injector is not activated.
  2. Dr-60

    Trust me, there is NOTHING better than DR 60
  3. Seriously, I get from 250 to 500 here. Gutters are included (soap, brush & wash) Everything else is extra. Mother in law turbo wash - HILARIOUS!!!! :lgsideway
  4. For $99.00 we wash the whole house (any size), the garage, deck, driveway, laundry, family pet, Kool Aid stains off yer kid's faces (limit 3), gutters, & the roof. We charge extra for the mail box. Hey ya gotta draw the line somewheres!
  5. Interesting lowballer info

    http://ad-rag.com/116459.php Just thought I would share this with you all. It's not about pwing, but a lot of it still applies.
  6. Big ones

    Ken, didn't you know? Jeff's a vampire, he sleeps during the day. LOL
  7. Interesting lowballer info

    Thanks for the moral support Phil
  8. Artillery Fungus Related Questions

    Good show, Watson, good show!
  9. Having the answers

    Nice job Jeff. I guess your area's economy is booming. And, of course you are good at what you do.
  10. I need to buy a new generator. The specs I need are: 6500 watt - 8125 peak Honda 13 hp engine Thanx in advance for your help.
  11. Smoke. What do you use??

    Prodogy from Espec or Viper
  12. 36" & Larger Surface Cleaners

    Me too. That would be cool.
  13. Favorite House was Mixtures

    Thank you for your help.
  14. Favorite House was Mixtures

    I am gonna try Limonene this year. So I take it you like it right? Does it really need those added ingredients or is it fine without them?
  15. American Idol

    I guess my wife was right about the Tweety thing! LOL
  16. Thank you & yes it is. The old stain was Olympic cedar
  17. Motivational Speech

    I remember when I used to say that. Now after a hard day's work, I say "I wanna sleep! sleep! sleep!":lgtear:
  18. American Idol

    Yeah, that's more like it.
  19. I agree. To clarify, in my previous post, when I said "you" I didn't mean YOU. I was referring to the higher bidder. I don't think you are a "gouger."
  20. American Idol

    She does have a pretty strong accent. You can even hear it when she sings! My wife likes the little guy with the glasses. She calles him "Tweety."
  21. American Idol

    Yeah, I like him too. Finally, someone different & good! I kinda hope that Miss. Pickler (I forgot her first name) wins. She has had a hard life and still has a great attitude.
  22. My spray bar on my Big Guy is locking up. I can free it by manually turning it, but I know it will lock up for good soon. I guess I need a new rotary head or (swivel). I found 1 site that sells'em for $299.00! Holy crap! Does anyone know where I can get this part cheaper? BTW, the site is http://www.cmcpwe.com/whisperwashparts.html Maybe it's a good price, I don't know. Thanks in advance.
  23. That will be kinda hard. Now you would almost look like a gouger to some people.