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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Phone Book (Yellow Pages)

    · Cost – I had a very nice deck restoration ad in the yellow pages. It cost me $545.00 per month. I ran this ad for 2 consecutive years. Since deck season is only from April to July in the Midwest, the ad was really only relevant for 4 months, 5 at best. If you take the total yearly cost of this ad ($6540.00)and divide that by the relative amount of months, (4) you end up with a monthly cost of ($1,645.00) per month!

    · Response – In the 2 years that I advertised in the yellow pages, I received a whopping 12 phone calls!

    · Prospect type – I didn’t get enough calls to even be able to judge this category properly. I can say that most callers just wanted an over the phone quote because they said they’re “going down the list.”

    Why didn’t this form of advertising work?

    · Inconvenience – With the internet, 411 and other various ways of obtaining information these days, almost nobody uses the phone book any more. Who wants to lift a 10 lb. 3 million page book to find a phone number anyways, and that’s if they can even remember where they put it!

    · Low Visibility – Most phone books don’t even know where to put you, so they suggest that you do multiple listings. Such as – Deck washing, deck staining, painting, maintenance, power washing, pressure washing, pressure washing service & equipment, and so on. (This also allows them to charge you a lot more money!)

    · Competition – If the prospect is lucky enough to even find the section you are in, there’s anywhere from 10 to 50 competitors on the same page!

    · Shelf Life – 1 year, and it gets really dusty!

    · No Control – If your ad does not work, too bad! The bill comes every month and it has to be paid. You cannot just cancel and move on. Any mistakes on your ad will remain there for the whole year. If you advertise in the bigger book, you will be wasting advertising on cities or areas that you will not travel to. Deck season is 4 to 5 months long, however, you will be paying for advertising for 12 months.

  2. Jon, with direct mail you need to send out at least 5,000. The 2nd time you hit the same neighborhood would have been better spent on a different one. With direct mail, you have to have a "Go big, or Go Home" mentality.

    I never hit an area more than once per season. Either they want it done, or they don't. If they want it done next month, they will most likely hold on to your ad. (If they find it appealing)

    Grime Dawg, your post was right on.

  3. Roger,

    There are only 3.Jarrod needs his eyes checked.

    The big guy in the center may bear a striking resemblance to a big,tattooed guy in southwest Georgia.....lol.

    I wass going by the avitar pic you have. I just got to my office to find my shirt was delivered today. Looks good!

  4. They should also add -

    Must be able to walk on water, feed the poor, create the entire universe in 3 days (God took way too long, 7 days - what an ameteur!) solve the national debt while working, fight the war, deliver pizzas, brush your teeth with a flaming chainsaw, and last but not least - own one of our crappy pressure washers.

  5. Don't seem like they are looking for Bin Laden too hard.

    How do you find a spineless coward that hides in caves, tunnels & bunkers amidst thousands of miles of desert?

    Honestly, the only good thing that ever came out of Iran & Iraq is oil.

  6. Could not resist:

    Republicans believe everyday is the 4th of July

    Democrats believe everyday is April 15th

    A liberal is a man too broadminded

    to take his own side in an argument

    Soldiers are over there

    so they won't cut your head off here

    Animals...... its what for dinner!

    I would rather hunt with **** Cheney

    than ride with Ted Kennedy

    Liberalism - the haunting fear that

    someone, somewhere can help themselves

    Clinton '08

    The Whitehouse needs its silverware back

    A taxpayer is one who works for the goverment

    but does not have to take a Civil Service exam

    Politically correctness

    means always having to say you're sorry

    Save the seals

    club a liberal

    Liberals of the world



    is a no-brainer

    Bigot: A conservative winning an argument with a liberal

    Live Better


    Fight global warming

    turn on the A/C

    I would rather be Right

    than Politically Correct

    If you aren't liberal at 18, you have no heart,

    If you aren't consertative by 35, you have no intelligence

    If Clinton is the answer,

    it must have been a stupid question

    Annoy a Liberal

    Work hard and smille

    Liberals: French for cowards

    If ignorance is bliss then

    Liberalism must be Nirvana

    You might be a socialist if

    you believe government should

    tell business what to pay people

    Being a liberal is easy

    Being responsible is hard

    Enouh already,


    Classic, all 1000000000000000000000% true.

  7. Well, for a lot less money we could have leveled the place and took all the oil. If you ask me, that is the way to fight a war. B4 the liberal media and the internet that was the way that things were done. What would you rather have - everyone fearing us because we'll blow you to kingdom come if you mess with us, or - everyone laughing at us because we fight a "nice little war" and let undermining liberals in the media and government micromanage our generals and soldiers?

    Some might say "That's not fair! You're blowing up that poor little country."

    To that, I'd say "Well stupid, that "poor little country" funded the human waste that flew planes into our buildings, killing thousands of innocent people FIRST!!!"

    So, back to your and your party's complaint Jeff. If this war was fought the correct, non P.C. way, it would have been over in 1 week. But since the undermining libs are micromanaging everything, it's gonna take much longer and cost a whole lot more!

  8. I know what you saying Jarrod using stripper would make cleaning faster but he would have to brighten so 2 steps needed.It would help to have a helper to brighten as he p/washes.So since he's a one man show if he just bleaches and only p/wash then no need to use oxalic.

    That's why I said to downstream the brightener on. No helper needed. Downstreaming that whole fence would only add 20 - 30 minutes to the entire job.

  9. This year, all chems will remain on the trucks. I will purchase D.S. injectors that will work with my various lengths of hose ranging from 200 ft. to 250 ft. My guys are gonna be really happy. Yes, they will have to go to the truck to switch the "suck" tube from stripper to brightener, but they have to go back to check the water level in the tank anyway. This will be a great "upgrade" for us thie year. We have always D.S.'d our deck chems, but we always had to carry the 5 gal. buckets to the deck and back. Not anymore!

    Heck, I just might fire a guy so I can use this new way of doing things!LOL
