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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Thanx for the positive feedback everyone.

    Beth, thanks for the sanding tips. I will keep what you said in mind. I'll post what the product was. I forgot what it was.

    Barry, I'm glad I could help, get up here dude!

    Ken, I did not stick around for the deck to dry, but, I think it will need a "shave" if you get my drift. I washed with my chem tip to avoid a 5 o'clock shadow. Hopefully it worked.

    More to come in this weeks saga, PITA decks from Hell!!! (with lots of reverb)

  2. This deck scared off 4 previous contractors. It had a nasty finish on it that was very hard to remove. I used HD80 and let it dwell 30 min. and then washed it with my chem tip! I'm glad I took the job and hopefully, so is my customer. The deck is 535 sq. ft. and it took me about 2 hours. If it was an oil base, it would have taken me half the time. Patience is NOT one of my virtues, but these jobs are forcing me to acquire some.



  3. Gross goals won't be affected by anything other than sales, effeciency or weather. Now net, that seems to be something that is already on a diet with rising insurance, gas prices, etc.

    Amen to that Ken. I have to raise prices soon!

    As to the original question.. May was the best month I ever had since doing strictly residential. Organizing jobs by location, raising prices, downstreaming chemical, hiring additional labor, focusing advertising and the use of Wood Tux I hit one fourth of what I did the entire season last year.

    That's really good. Success is about all of those things, not just profit. For example, This year, I discovered a much better & easier way to wash houses. Man, what a difference that made!!

  4. We're in that inbetween stage where nothing fits right. I have looked at all of my overhead and it all is necessary. I pay my crews comission on all resi work, so I have a lot of control over what the co. will make. I hear what you are saying about the amount of crews. Next year, I will add one more and double my advertising. Don't get me wrong, I'm not starving or anything. It's just that I want to be more profitable. I think streamlining will help too.

  5. Thats awesome Jarrod! Dang, that's a lot of decks. Just you and helper? I'm on pace to hit my "gross" goals, so things are well here. Basing that on the season is half over at the end of this month.

    I wish just me and a helper could do all that! I have 4 employees and a secratery. I only did a handful of decks this year because I was soo busy "steering the ship" per say. It's amazing how busy I am just running the company. I work longer hours than my crews!!!

    Jon, I'm glad you are gonna hit your goals. My overhead is "snacking" on my gross goals. One more snack, and I'm sending it to Jenny Craig!

    Barry, CALL ME!! What Ken & the others said is right. My first year totally SUCKED!

  6. Well, it has been a pretty good season so far. (Knock, knock!)

    Decks - 76 completed

    Brick paver jobs - 24 completed

    House washes - 30 Completed

    Only 3 deck touch ups, 1 brick pavers touch up, and NO house wash touch ups. Only 1 big, fat PITA customer!

    The season for us began in mid April.

    How's it going for you?

  7. "thank you" to all who provided information and offered help. I used you information and changed the proportioning, bought a good house mix and added bleach. Did a house yesterday and never took the brush out of the trailer! The dirt rolled down the siding and I just rinsed off. The house was spotless and shined. The time taken to do the entire house was less than what it took to do one side of the previous house. thanks again.

    What house wash mix did you buy?
