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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. The s.h. I was referring to is sodium hypochlorite not hydroxide. And yes it works very well mixed. I found that you don't need nearly as much e-plus as e-spec recommends (surprise) especially on painted aluminum that isn't a paint prep. If I used store bought bleach I would up the ratio by 40-50% as I use 10.5. Sorry for the confusion.

    Dan - I get it now. I thought you said to mix E Plus with Sodium Hydroxide. Usually when people say "SH" they mean sodium hydroxide. Whew.

  2. Just curious if anyone is using something other than plastic and duct tape to mask a house from sealer over spray. It has been a pita for me mostly becuase the tape does not want to stick well and if there is any wind then forget about it.

    Just tarp the railings with a 9X12 canvas tarp. I never tarp the house. If you are spraying the floor, you need to switch to hand brushing. Call me if you need to. I can explain better over the phone.

  3. Okay I've got some decks to wash and stain, when i look at charging what i think is ok ($1.35per sqft at 240 sqft= 324) that seems high for a deck with no railing or steps. I'm thinking $1 per sq on this on thats 240 and after all is said i make 182 not bad. Ur .02 please.

    That is a terrible price. You have to have a minimum job of $450.00. Otherwise it wasn't worth the 2 trips and all the work & supplies.

  4. DTHOMPSON - Brushing is the best way to remove oxidation. Home Depot stuff is for do it yourself home owners - not contractors. Contractors should use contractor grade products. There are plenty of vendors on this board that can help you.

    There are some products that will remove most or all of the oxidation without brushing. I just don't think you will find them at Home Depot.
