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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Jarrod,

    Some people are just oblivious about reasonable expectations or obvious causes. Others are jyst looking to take advantage of any perceived benefit, freebie, etc.

    Phillip - you ain't kidding.

    They feel that we didn't do it well enough the first time or it would not have grown back so fast and want us back to touch up for free...

    That's the equivalent to getting a hair cut and coming back 6 months later and saying that if it was cut right the first time, it wouldn't have grown back. - So many people, soooo few straight jackets!

  2. Well, I went to the customer's home today, I was in the area anyway (did not have my camera - crap!) Yeah, I caved! I touched it up while I was there. I used a pad and a sample spray can. It only took me 5 min. I also left 2 spray cans on the deck. The cust was not home - thank God! I'll bet she calls tomorrow and still complains, I'll let yuo all know.

    The wear spots were NOT my fault. One spot was under the rim of the IRON umbrella holder. Gee, I wonder how that got there? Anyone that has 2 brain

    cells to rub together can figure that one out.

    The other areas were on the edges of a few stairs where people scuffed it with their feet. It was a little lighter but not worn off. All in all, it looked really good. This deck gets all day sun too. It was funny how this cust. acted like her deck was ruined or something, when all it was, was a few worn spots. I really don't feel that I was responsible for this at all. Nor do I feel that I was supposed to touch it up, but Beth said that I was a nice guy and I didn't want to make a liar out of her. LOL

  3. No offence taken Rick. I was just typing my conscience.

    ALL - I used to think that everything was my fault in the beginning. The thing is, sometimes people (customers) are taking full advantage of my kindness, or they are just ignorant. Some people call us at the first sign of wear. The fact is, the stain will GRADUALLY wear - and not evenly. Does that mean when a wear spot occurs, we have to go and touch it up? IMO - certainly not! Otherwise we will have to "come to the rescue" every time a "spot" appears. Break pads gradually wear out too. Does that mean that we should get them replaced every time a millionth of an inch wears off? I can just hear the mechanic now - "Sir, you better get out of here before one of my boots comes up missing!" It would be nice if the stain would last 24 months looking perfect the whole time, and then 1 day later, fail totally. It just doesn't work that way, and most of us know that. 1 thing I have learned over the years is this - Yes, it is important to keep customers happy - to an extent. Lines must be clearly drawn. If we spend all of our precious time running around making everyone "happy" we will end up broke and wearing a straight jacket!

    I'll give you all a very good example - A fellow deck guy and friend of mine got a callback from a customer several months after he did her deck. She said that the deck looked great except for 1 section of railing that was really faded. When he got there, he noticed a bunch of towels draped over the railing. The cust. then removed the towels from the railing and said something like - "see, it's really faded here and I want you to fix this." Now, for the big question - Was my buddy responsible for this? (Jepordy music)

    The answer is - ding, ding, ding, NO!

    The "premature ware" came from people getting out of the pool, drying themselves off and hanging the towels (containing chlorine) in the railings.

    Is the cust. really ALWAYS right? Certainly not!

  4. Rick - We stripped, brightened & stained the deck. We applied 2 coats (wet on wet) to all horiz by hand. We did nothing wrong. This is a excessive wear, constant sun, or something else problem. Let's face it, some people just have to get their decks done every year. I did 2 of her neighbors the same day last year - they havn't called. (Great, I just jinxed myself! Crap!! LOL) I will post pics soon. You guys be the judge.

  5. Jon, I have not looked yet. She lives 30 min. from my office and it has rained all day.

    All - Let's face it, some people HAVE TO GET THEIR DECKS DONE EVERY YEAR. I tell everyone that I have bi-annual and annual customers. I also inform them that the stain's longevity will vary depending on various conditions - sun exposure, pool, hot tub, useage, dogs, # of kids, blah, blah, blah.

    This is not a workmanship issue. It is a wear or product issue. Dog pee will eat stain off a deck almost as fast a chlorine. Mabe it's the dog?

  6. Today, I recieved a call from a cust. from last June. We stripped, brightened & stained her deck with TWP (2 coats on all horiz.) She claims that there is "premature" ware in some areas on the steps and other parts of the deck. This deck gets all day sun and they do have a 10lb. dog. I'll tell you all what I told her, but first, I wanna hear what you would say/do in this situation.

