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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Press 'Play' on Tape number 1...Rule 1

    If you give a homeowner nothing else to go on but price, that is the information with which he will make his decision.

    Unless you are the lowest priced guy in your area, you have lost more than you have saved by giving a quote over the phone.

    I am not apologizing if this offends some people, this is business. I know how to not only stay in business I know how to offer a value service at a maximum margin. I'll share what I have learned in business, sales and marketing but it seems that some will never change their thought patterns. Those guys will continue to gain a larger piece of mediocrity.

    A fellow business owner mentioned to me on the phone that he is "not looking to get rich". This was a very nice guy that performs quality work but also a guy that has lost focus. Is he not in business to make money? Why the guilt of making more dollars?

    I have spent great deals of money on logo design, printed material, advertising, logo'd clothing and a business lifetime of understanding customer psychology and sales technique. Is it a next logical step to stay home and give quotes over the phone? Not for me it isn't. If you aren't out there selling, you aren;t doing the most you can to be successful.

    Ken is 1000000000000000000% right. OK - 10000000000000000000.1% right.

  2. I'm sooooooooo glad I just ordered a XJet M5 last week and another one yesterday. (Sarcasm) Oh well, honestly, I really like the X Jet for houses. I have a big condo job coming up in 2 weeks. I figured using the X Jet would make things easier. I washed some big houses this week with the X Jet M5 and was really impressed. I have never downstreamed a house yet.

    Note - do not wash painted shudders with the M5 set at 0 deg. Even if they are on the 2 story. I'll bet someone here can say why.
