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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. You will not run out of water. I have a 8 gpm machine and have never ran out of water on resi jobs. Usually when I'm doing a deck, I have to shut off the spigot when I'm 3/4 of the way done so I don't have a full tank to cart around. The only you would run out of water is if you had a 100% flow tip and pulled the trigger constantly. I wash decks with a size 12 @ 50 degree tip. If you start out with 100 gallons you will be fine. This machine will give you lightning speed on all of your jobs!

  2. Forgive me, I'm multi tasking right now. As i'm typing, I'm painting a huge target on my butt! What's up with all this "furring" stuff? I understand why it happened to Degra and now, so does he. Are all you guys and gals saying that every time you strip a deck you have to defurr or sand it?

    Degra, when you wash a grey deck, pre wet the whole thing first, then apply the chem. This will eliminate the fuzz. Dwell time should be - none. First time deck washes are to be handled very carefully. Chems should be sorta weak in strength. We strip EVERY deck. Grey ones, stained ones, old moldy ones, and so on. On the newer ones that are sorta grey, we pre wet, apply injectible stripper then wash (1000 psi) & brighten. Old, moldy & grey ones - inject on the stripper, wash (1000 psi) then inject on the brightener - same with stained decks. Fuzzies don't happen if you do it this way, we don't ever have to sand any deck - ever. WOW, the target & the typing are finished at the same time! - COOL!!
