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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Phillip, I feel your pain. I don't think this clown deserves to be in business. Now you have a mission. Put him out of business this year. Pound him into the ground by OUTSELLING him. Offer a good, better, best house wash. That way you got a better shot at the job. Usually if the customer is home & watching you doing the "good" job, you can show them an example of the "better" or "best" job & upsell them to one of those options. If they wanna stay with the "good" job at the "good" price, then well, better in your pocket than in the clown's. Right? Yes people get what they pay for, they might as well be paying YOU!

  2. Ken, it takes me or 1 of my guys 1.5 to 2 hours to strip & brighten a 600 sq ft deck. We downstream all our chems. It's a very fast way of doing it. The chems I use are strong enough to downstream and be very effective. We remove 95 to 100% of the stain every time. (oil based) I may try some acrylic or water based pita decks this year - using HD80. If I have to do these decks, I'm charging $3.00 per sq ft.

  3. Jarrod - who makes the speed sealer?


    I get them at OPW. The same place Shane told you about. What a small world! The pads will last you about 4-5 decks - depending on the condition of the wood. They work really well. If you do order some, go to Home Depot to get the green rectangular buckets for dipping. You won't believe how fast you can stain a deck. Just call Scott at 248-299-2512. He's used to shipping out orders & he's very knowledgable.

  4. Jeff, It won't hurt anything. Just make the hole in the floor big enough so the pipe does not touch the wood. Make sure the muffler gut puts spacer brackets on the pipe. I also would vent out your burner for safty reasons and to keep the aair "breathable" in your trailer for your engine & you. You might wanna check your air filter.

  5. Because every day is different. 1 day I'm washing truck fleets, the next day decks, or houses, or whatever. I'm not surrounded by 4 walls all day. I don't have to "punch out " for lunch and be back in 1 hour. It feels good to watch something dirty and basically worthless turn into something nice & clean b4 my very eyes.
