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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. 9 times out of 10 my customers are not home when we are staining their deck. (Or they get the sudden cabin fever when we are almost done.) Because of this, we hardly ever get a chance to give them a walkthrough and a Q&A time. We always leave about 20 oz. of stain or the aerosol spray can like Tony mentioned.

    We travel from 5 min. to 40 min. to do decks. Average travel time (1 way)_ is 25 min. So you can see why I hate call backs, especially when the cust. has a spray can to do it with. It would only take them 1-5 min tops to do it too. It would take me an hour! I look at it this way, it takes them just as long to fix a missed spot as it does to notice it. Let's face it, most of the time, it's a spot the size of a toothpic! Last year I got sooo tired of driving all the way to a cust. house just to fix a spot that really didn't need to be fixed at all. I remember 1 lady that made me drive 30 min to her home on a Sat. morning to fix a spot. She acted as if I ruined her whole life. Whan I got there, (no joke) it took her AND her husband 15 minutes to find the spot that they wanted me to touch up. It was under the bottom of the railing just between 2 planks. The spot was literally the size of a toothpic!! AHHHHHH!

  2. Jarrod,

    Is it tough to get a potent mix when downstreaming? Are you using the Gemini products (i know they are made to downstream). From what folks say (i have no clue) i thought DS cuts your product down to about 9:1, and that seems weak to me. Maybe you buy a liquid form product that is extremely strong??

    I'm glad you asked. I use a product that shall remain nameless (for local competitive reasons) It is made here. As for strength, it is 10X stronger than anything else so that by the time it is downstreamed, the ratio is perfect. No dwell time either. No furring either. If you want me to pm you more about it I will.
