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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. Wesley - I think I know of the co. you mentioned that uses the surface cleaner and has a long warranty. There was one here this year and they claim to "petrify" the wood so it never needs to be mantained again. They rip people off and screw up every deck that they do. Every deck they did last summer will be grey in summer 06. This company came from Canada originally and went bankrupt because of all the lawsuits.

    In closing - any "company" using a rotary nozzle to do DECKS with should return their crappy equipment to the garage sale they got it from and go work at Burger King.

  2. A lot of the fault is with the customers. If they are dumb enough to hire a lowballer, then let them reap the consequences. Maybe next time they'll think twice b4 doing that again.

    Sadly, I agree with Mike's point reguarding never getting rid of lowballers. 2 years ago, I had a local "round table" meeting with all of these $99.00 deck clowns. I tried to show them how they were false advertising (in a nice way, of course) and doing sub par work. I also tried to show them how they could be doin' things better & easier. They didn't wanna hear it. There was about 20 of them there - since then, 18 have gone under. I'm still here. The other 2 still rip people off and still SUCK royally. Last year about 15 - 20 more $99.00 clowns started screwing up everyone's decks. That's ok with me, 1 year from now all of their "victims" will be calling me. I'm done with trying to help or get rid of these clowns. Now when I see one of them I laugh at them, after all, thats what we do when we see a clown - we laugh!
