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Everything posted by bforbis

  1. msds

    Is anyone making there on solutions of Sodium Hydroxide from NaOH beads? If my math is correct, it is possible to make a 10.4% solutions from a 50# bag of beads in a 55 gal drum.
  2. How do YOU clean..?

    Saturate with oxialic acid and pressure wash with minimal pressure to avoid damage. Let dry then stain with your choice, two wet coats or as per manufacture's recommendations. Be sure to seal the top edges. I usually use spray equipment and back roll or brush into the wood.
  3. neutralize

    It depends on which stain product I use if i rinse just prior to application of stains. Cabot's has an awsome product, SPF that is formulated to apply while wet/damp substrate. Most all others that I am familar with and use must be dry. I have been using hte Cabot's SPF for more than a couple of years and it gives outstanding results. Wolman's Extreme has some that work very well, but has less sheen than customers prefer, the other product I use on a limited basis is SIKKENs.
  4. neutralize

    We use Oxialic acid as well, but rinse prior to application of stains. Have not really tried not rinsing, but heard that stains may not adhere as well. I see from the threads, others have had the opposite effects though!?!?! What type of stains are you using, brand names?
  5. $$$

    I am relatively new to the forum and only 2 years into the business. I have had solid growth over those years, (Knock on wood it remains). I have read of several methods for cleaning using various detergents etc. Would anyone mind sharing a bit of what the bottom line brings with respect to profit margin? Example.... You gross $100,000 for the year after expenses etc your left with $25K.....equals 25% profit margin. Thanks