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Everything posted by Belmont

  1. Then the people that you spent all the time to train properly, take that knowledge and go start their own business. And maybe steal your customers too. "start small, grow big?" yeah they'd be starting small...but you got to start somewhere right? I've seen before....a business hires someone from the ground up and shows them how to do something and what to use and what to say and where to buy things you need...and next thing you know....."Joe Blows Deck Care" ...and your back to square one. Nice thing about being a one man show, you dont have to worry about scenarios like that.
  2. fight fight fight fight fight fight.....
  3. Whats the best way to go about sanding an older large flat redwood deck? Would a traditional floor drum sander work? What grit would u recommend starting with? No prexisiting sealer or stain on the deck thanks
  4. Playhouse Bid

    Playset...clean and stain about $500ish
  5. yeah looks like the brightness or something was adjusted in the after photos. Big difference from the Before's... The color tones and overal picture brightness if different ??? Its important to always get the exact same angle and placement for the after photos. This way it doesnt seem like your hiding something. ie. maybe the after wasnt as impressive plus reassures the person viewing the after photos that its the exact same project and not another. Shane is good at following this before and after picture rule.
  6. q? on sanders

    Anyone have any pictures, using the different sanders on a deck and its results? I'm curious to see what the differences are.
  7. oh ok that makes sense then
  8. in the after pic....Does the product you use leave puddles like that on the deck?... or is that just the sheen off a wet spot? We've always wiped/mopped everything up to make sure there is no "puddling" on the deck when we're done. just curious...?
  9. Deposits anyone????

    What about a HOA clean and stain fence job that is over $78K what kind of deposit do you require then? whats fair? or your industry standard? We're doing a 3rd down, a 3rd half way, and a 3rd on completion.
  10. what high psi pumps do you recommend for long discharge lines like 300-400 ft of 1/4 inch hose?..or maybe 3/8 hose I'm using a Shurflo 1.8 at 60psi but doesnt have enough psi to really push out the RS stain/ brightner/ stripper/etc.. the way I want. maybe looking for something around 100-200 psi..adjustable if possible would be nice too. something 12V that could be mounted like a SHurflo would be nice too. links? pics? or suggestions? thanks
  11. Yeah thats what I was thinking. I've seen that pump by pump tec...just was curious if anyone here had any ideas as well. Looks like I'll probably have to go with that though. Yeah they're good pumps for sure. have used them before
  12. well the tank is mounted on the truck so is the battery and reel/hose....so all I really need is a better pump. I'm trying to finid something with about 200 psi thats adjustable. So basically I just need a pump thats like on the deckster, not the whole deckster setup.Thats why I was asking about pumps specifacally. :) or anythiny else thats comparable to that pump or a Shurflo, but just with more psi...? Seymore - in north texas
  13. Yeah thats an idea. I've seen those before definately a possibilty. Our hoses are one a reel mounted to the truck so everything stays on the truck pretty much at all times.
  14. after picture looks splotchy and patchy with different shades of red and brown, dark and light...????
  15. its all cedar...just different grade of wood. NOT a different kind ie: PT pine and you
  16. Cabot's S P F

    My exerpience has been that all manufactures blame the prep work and contractor to avoid warranty refunds or resitution.
  17. all part of the business. the good and the bad
  18. Potato Chips

    Its very expenses to do(for the HO) and MOST HO dont want to pay for the restoration of a shake roof.
  19. Anyone ever heard of the stain coming off the deck a few months after its been stained...like a "chalky" residue? You can rub the deck with your hand and its covered in a dirt/stain like chalky film. Had a customer call about the stain coming off like a "chalky" residue. When you sit down on the deck it comes off onto their clothes, as a chalky residue. The 7yr old cedar deck was refinished about 7 mons ago with RS medium brown. ever heard of that or seen that happen? What causes it?
  20. Not sure the process that was used to refinish it. Just going off what the HO has showed and told me. The deck doesnt really look that bad, but when you rub your hand on the benches and deck boards it comes off like a dusty/chalky residue... ???
  21. last well over 6 mons???? is it even worth it to use a product with a life expectancy of only 6 mons?
  22. Also a buddy of mine owns a painting company and he says that apartment complexes pay well over 200K to have their properties painted. Depending on the size and stuff. but its not unrealistic to think they dont pay a lot for property maintaince such as this.
  23. back to his orginal question, I would bid it by square foot. and yes I would clean it. maybe some pressure washing in some areas as you mentioned. Yes, I would do the majority of it by hand and maybe spray some of the larger areas. What would I charge? probably something along the lines you've mentioned as well. Perhaps a little more considering I'm dealing with so many obsticles. And I would definately use a lift like someone here has said. Big job but definately possible. now, is that what you were wanting? I answered the questions.