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Posts posted by bulletproof

  1. I am very glad to hear that you're son is safe and healthy Reed. You know, where I live we have not been directly effected by the devastation of terrorism. Only as it relates to it's effects on the economy and still then it's more talked about than felt . No massive lay offs or cruise ships and planes stop coming here. I get in conversations here with people who feel that this war is pointless and your President is just on an ego trip or that it's really all over oil. I would just like for maybe a few of you to briefly state your opinions on this war, what it means to you, and how it has effected you. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just trying to get a better understanding other than what I hear on the news from the "experts".

  2. This debate is puzzling to me because like Rob has said and since I joined this and every other board the phrase that has been repeated over and over is that chems clean and water just rinses. How much difference can hot water actually make. It has been said that you wash dishes and clothing with hot water but I know from experience that hot water helps to fade clothing faster and for the dishes thing to have relevance in this field you would have to mix your chems and apply with hot water

  3. Have a job coming up in a few days to clean a house with stucco siding. What I want opinions on is wether or not my usual houswash recipe of jomax,simple green , bleach, joy and cascade is safe to use on this siding. Wish I had some other type of chems to use but where I live these are the best of whats available

  4. Most of my window cleaning is residential, which I have divided into several sub services which includes new construction. In this I clean and remove the stickers masonry and paint from the windows and do the same for the entire exterior frame. We had one such job last weekend and upon completion, the customer was extremely pleased with the job. On Monday past , when the construction guys working on the second story of the house came in one of them told her that a construction company that he used to work for normaly did the windows on completion and did the interior frame of the windows in addition to the exterior. She questioned us on this. I explained to her that we had done as our contract indicated and we would charge extra if she had wanted us to do the interior frame. She understood this and explained that she only wanted to know our stance on it. What I would like to know is : if any of you guys out there are doing this do you include the interior frame of the windows in your initial price or do it as an additional service. Even if you aren't I would still like your views

  5. Guys, I would like to know what the difference is between this and sodium hypochlorite? I know that pool guys normaly use this to clean and kill bacteria but can this be used as a house wash/ mildew removing agent , and if so, what is a safe proportion to use it . Just for further info, it comes in crystalized form.:confused:

  6. I know that most persons here wear some type of uniform when on a job site that sports your company logo, but what do you wear to protect your clothing from either being bleached by the chlorine or damaged by some other chemical.Especially the roof, gutter and house washing guys that shoot chems in an upward direction

  7. Sorry to ruin this thread with the rookie question I'm about to ask, but here goes. The use of chemical sprayers based on what I am reading is for the application of a potentially dangerous chemical at lower pressures safely onto some surface that requires the use of such a chemical in order to be cleaned . At this time my main focus is on house washing , where I live we don't have log homes and any type of siding is rare if at all. My question is then would a sprayer of this type be neccessary for me to have at this time or can I get by with using an x-jet type nozzle for chemical application
