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David O'Connell Jr.

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Everything posted by David O'Connell Jr.

  1. The X-Jet debate

    Down Streamer here with a 0085 tip here.
  2. This Might Be Elementary

    yup, works great, just don't drop that hose. It'll take an eye out
  3. Info

    It doesn't always do the face of the tile. On real pourous roof tile ya gotta go back with a 40 tip. It sucks that way. We did one today that was adamant about no chemicals. We are finding more and more people do not want chemical cleaning.
  4. Kool deck ????

    It can damage it. Is it lifting in any areas? you can always hold up the disc cleaner above the deck and do it that way
  5. We just dropped just under 7 bills today on the 24 horse. That totally sucks.
  6. Oh noo..another repair!!!

    Yes they do bypass. Tons of hours. The second machine was only a unloader valve and rpm setting. They adjusted the carb. They put on a rpm meter and pressure gauge to check all. $50.
  7. Fire Hydrant

    we have 1/2,5/8, and 2" down here, the city will put on what you ask for....with the deposit for the meter. Depost changes per fitting size. I wish that we could keep the meter and get it checked 1x a month like postal meters. Just think of the time that would be saved. Just bleed out the hydrant for about a minute. Make sure that all the sand and silt are out first. It'll kill a pressure washer
  8. Oh noo..another repair!!!

    We also had the oil/filters/air filters done as well. It was really about 550. The total bill was 696 General pump. tsf2021 model Here is the bad part my other pump went today. its a tsp1821. :lgtear:
  9. Oh noo..another repair!!!

    total rebuild of the pump
  10. What's you vehicle of choice...and why?

    I would like an isuzu flatbed
  11. pulling from a water tank

    We have 2 machines. A 5.5 gpm and a 8 gpm. They both pull from a 250 gallon tank. With either machine running we need water running into the tank at all times. The 5.5 machine has 2 feeds into the pump. It needs both, the machine chokes w/o it. The same with the 8.
  12. Plant protection!!!

    For some of the weaker flowers we do this...
  13. Plant protection!!!

    We'd love to get more ground work.
  14. Plant protection!!!

    We do 80% roof work. We leave the tarps on while the roof is rinsed. Then we remove them to wash the house. By then the sprinklers and the hoses that were running ( during the roof spray ) have put enough water down to make a small swamp. We used to do it differently and found that a little browning happens ( which was quicker but it damaged plants ). This way once we leave we know there is maybe a 1% chance of damage. We also re-route the downspouts to dirt areas if possible, if we can't we bag them. The picture in this post the sprinklers were all under the tarps so they really got wet. The sprinklers ran in the front zone for 30 minutes total time and we also had a garden hose going there as well. As far as other areas, if we feel they are questionable we will skip the sprinklers to that zone and run them while we pack up. There is always a hose or two running somewhere at the property. We encounter a lot of bouganvilla bushes. These will wilt just when you get the tarp near them. So we will wait to tarp that untill we are about to spray that area. For chemical house washes we will take a 20 foot tarp and wrap it on the house side of the bouganvilla and I'll pull it away from the house while that area of the house gets cleaned. Most of the vegitation here can handle house mix plus they get rinsed as the house gets sprayed with chemicals ( 2 people ) Sorry for the long post
  15. Cleaning around gardens?

    Being in the "manicured" capital of the US, Palm Beach, we just do it all with the disc and then use the nozzle to push mulch back. If that doesn't work (it usually does) then a broom. We are talking about 1-2 minutes max here.
  16. hot water burners

    We are looking into Hot Water. We have all cold water equipment now. I am looking into a burner only, what or who makes a burner with the least amount of problems?
  17. hot water burners

    trying to not sound too much a fool, I see there are LP or 12 volt or 115 volt diesel. Is there a better of the bunch? Can I use only LP and thats it?
  18. Who has Worker's Comp?

    I was told that as pressure washers we fall into 3 categories: Ground work at about 12 dollars per hundred Building/wall work at about 23 dollars per hundred & Roof work at about 35 dollars per hundred So that means a lot of bookkeeping for what percentage of what job fell into what category. If you do a roof, the walls, and the driveway you get to pay a part of all the categories. What fun…..
  19. Who has Worker's Comp?

    We are exempt here.
  20. First liability claim

    Good Luck
  21. How to

    what about the shrubbery?
  22. How to

    oxalic - Never used it, what all is used for?
  23. WC Waiver wording

    go here and look up your name by the SS # http://www.fldfs.com/WCAPPS/Compliance_POC/wPages/query.asp
  24. pricing help (florida residential)

    a) good idea, prices change anyway b) housewash seems a little pricey we usually do 150 to the 250 range not a paint prep. c) we look at driveways as a time measurement most are in the range of $65 - $175 d) how are you measuring the roof? e) most decks are in the $75 - 125 area f) I hate windows Eventually you will look at a house and say "4 hours." Then you will have a better gauge on your time and cost and what to charge.
  25. commercial contracts info needed

    Carlos just attach them in the post and you'll save some time....