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Everything posted by NewGuy

  1. anyone ever tried leasing pressure cleaner and/or equipment? If so from who and what was the experience like?
  2. Dumb question i know..oh well back to saving up money.....
  3. Leasing

    Wow sorry to here that..thanks for the advice though
  4. Paver question

    Quite a few?
  5. Hi guys, quick question. i currently have 3400 psi 2.8 gpm machine and after reading definately come to the conclusion i definately need more gpm's. Can i upgrade my pump and get more gpms? Im thinking about upgrading the pump instead of buying new machine to save on money? what do you think?
  6. upgrade pump?

    Thanks guys, i really apreciate all the help. Got some jobs comin up so hopefully ill generate enough to buy christmas presents for wife and son & buy myself a toy lol...
  7. upgrade pump?

    Not single actually, and no carpet at the house..that picture is out side on the while patio..made outta some special concrete that doesnt get hot..forget what its called, real common down here So upgrading to 4gpm wont make a difference....great...do you think i can upgrade higher than?..
  8. upgrade pump?

    [ATTACH]19430[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]19431[/ATTACH] Hope these pics help, what do u think?
  9. upgrade pump?

    and as far as my question...should i upgrade my pump? Thanks for the advice though
  10. upgrade pump?

    im doing mostly residential but ive happened across some commercial cleaning recently and its taking wayy too long. as far as surfaces: tile roofs, pavers, asphault, concrete, basics.. changed it...but have no idea why its not changing