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Posts posted by FLORIN

  1. I cant believe some people are still trying to do this check cashing scam. I got this in response to an ad I have online. I didnt even advertise any interior cleaning. I dont do that. I kept writing back just to see what they say or do. What also funny is im Romanian. Im not sure if its a coincidence that they stated that country or they researched my name. Below are the emails and responses.....


    My name is Deborah. I saw your Advert on computer as a house hold cleaner.I am Looking for a House Hold cleaner/painter who is going to help me take care of my House in washington . By cleaning My Carpet,rug,Washing and painting My house for me.I am currently In Romania right now to see my sick mom for about 1 week now and i am about to come home soon.So My House is very dirty and i am Looking for a house hold cleaner who is going to clean the house,clean my carpet rug and give the house a new Paint.I will Like to know if you can do any of this work next weekend. And how much It is going to cost you for the service.please get back to me as soon as you get this email if you are interested.




    Hello Deborah,

    My company only does exterior cleaning and soft washing and pressure washing. No painting. If you are still interested please respond and i will make a bid on your home. I will need to come out on site to make the bid.




    Hello Florin,

    Thanks for writting back.I am very Glad to hear back from you.Like you know i am currently In Romania right now taking care of my sick Mom.Then It will be hard to go show you the house.But I can email you the pictures of the house.And if you are down with me i can fedex you the keys to the House after you receive the payment.So I need a trust worthy person because of my properties .So I will need your Contact Number where I can communicate with you On the Phone.I will Like to know when you can start after when you receive the payment.

    I live In a 4 bedroom.And It has a 3 Bathroom In it.The House have a garage and a swimming Pool.I will be coming back In a week now from now.I will be happy if you can take care of the place and make it very clean and tidy for my coming back.

    I will Like to be sending you the payment.After the payment get to you I will Fedex you the key for the House and also the address of the place so you can go and start your work there and hold the key for me.I hope you can take care of the place for me.

    I am Ok with everything But I will Like to send you the payment first In advance.So you should know i am serious about it.

    I will like you to do me a favour, since you will be doing this Job for me definatly i will be back home soon i have decide to start runing things with you with trust , I have inform my boss to send you all my payment including my traveling allowance .Because my boss is complaining he can'nt double issued to 2 different people and it's not easy to cash a foreign check here expecially when you dont have an account here ,And company policy dont wired cash because every salary or allowances paid is put into writting and have to be signed by management,So i need your help as soon as you recieve the payment kindly deduct the price from it and help me to send back the diferences funds to the hospital for my mom surgery bill and to take care of my traveling expenses and my return ticket back to the state.i Hope i can trust you In doing this for me???

    I will also like to know if you can be able to pick me up at the airport because I will be coming down to the house from airport.

    I await your quick response it will be very nice to live with you.So I hope I will be able to trust you with the balance of the money by sending the excess balance to me as soon as you get the check after cashing it at your bank.Please assure me your trust because i want to deal with people with trust.

    So after the Check get to you i am going to send you the keys to my House and let you know how to locate the place when the check get to you.

    So if you are Interested In doing the Job for me and you want me to contact my boss to send you the payment.So I will need this infor from you.

    Your Full Name which will appear on the check/money order

    Home Address:where you want it to send to.

    Contact Phone Number:

    If you are still Interested In doing this Job for me please Kindly get back to me with that infor so i can contact my boss to send you the payment on time.

    Please write back soon.




    hat sounds good Deborah. Im sorry to hear about your mom. My mom has been having some heart troubles herself here lately. Please email the pictures and description of all you need done so i could give you general price of my services. You will find that me and my company are very trustworthy. We will take great care of cleaning your home and safekeeping of the keys until you return. Will you contact your boss or do you need me to contact him and refer to your name. Also usually I have all checks payable to the company name ALL WASHED UP EXTERIOR CLEANING LLC. If that is a big problem with your boss I guess i could do it to personal account. Please email me if this is all ok.


    Again too funny. Sorry for the long read.

  2. Your job looks good but one picture gave a hint of pretty bad fuzzing. A rule of thumb; the longer and stronger you leave a strong cuastic cleaner on the wood, the more lignin (the natural glue in the wood holding the fibers together) is broken down creating the "fuzzies". You willl have to develop a "faith" in your brightening product (nuetralizer) as it will reverse the darkening you get when using a cuastic stripper. When using sodium hydroxide based strippers, you will know you got through the old stain when you see that chocolate-brown color in the wood. Don't strip wood trying to turn it back to that yellowish, "fresh" look. You will be over working if you try to. When your eye see's that the sealer has been pulled out of the wood, and you get that brown color IN the wood, then you have actually done what you started out to do. The britener procces will do it's thing and change that color, and lighten and brighten that wood. Sometimes pigments are left behind, and in most case will cover nicely when sealing. If too much is left in the wood more will have to be done. (sometimes a light bleaching in between stripping and britening can help) Sometimes a second strip will certianly be required. Not to worry. It can be preformed right away or even days later. Always follow up with a nuetralizer. For your first strip job, I'd say you did great!

    Out of wich picture are you able to see the fuzzies, Might help me know what to look for in the future.

    I am embarassed to say how crude and un scientific my measuring for the mix was but here it is, I gota learn somewhere.

    I used a 35liter container filled it to the top with dry sodium hydroxide and another 35 liter container filled with dry sodium percarbonate. Poured both into a 2gallon pump up sprayer and filled rest with water. Applied using the pump up. I would love to find stripper chems already premixed like you guys use but am having trouble finding it in my area.

  3. In terms of the paint removal on the siding I did a paint prep on the customers house the day before to remove all loose paint so where it was removed by the stripper on the bottom it is ok by the customer, he is going to repaint the whole house in the next week or so. I used a sodium percarb/sodium hydroxide mix to do the stripping. I might of made my mix too weak but was afraid of getting too much fuzzies. I will try making mix stronger on next deck. Great point on not washing in between. I did wash in between each strip application. Like I mentioned before first application took off all top coat stuff like butter. On the lower half of the deck which is a recent addition, after first strip the wood had a dark reddish tint to it. The upper half which had a couple of coats on it, it had a dark coffee color to the wood after top coat was removed. It almost looked burnt. After every application it would just lighten a little bit at a time until I got it to the color you see now.

  4. There is still a couple spots that have shadows and am willing to go back and reapply stripper if need be but thought I get your opinions first. Customer knows that this is my first deck and I priced it accordingly for allowing me to train on his deck. Here is the last few pics. First two are before last one after. If you guys/gals think it is ok I will stain this saturday or sunday depending on weather.




  5. I did my first deck strip yesterday. It is 400 sf no rails. Customer wants old stuff(Thompsons) removed and reapply semitransparent Cabots. My question is how much is needed to strip away. My first application of my mix took off all the stain that was on the surface but the wood still had pigment of the stain in the wood. I kept reapplying and letting dwell for 20-25minutes and it would lighten it every time. I had to repeat this process 7 times until I was unable to see pigment any more and then I brightened with citric. Do you woodies strip to bare wood or just take off top layer if not applying a clear? And usually how many applications of stripper do you normally need to do.



  6. I think it is anoying when I am talking to someone in person and someone else starts squacking on the nextel without an alert first. " yoohoo are you there?" I had one of my friends do this once when I was with a customer. He thought I was ignoring him so he started singing and cursing and doing everything he can to try to get my attention. During the whole time I was trying to shut him off and apologizing to the customer.

  7. Any of you other part-timers out there find it difficult to work it part time and have a 40 hour a week main job?

    I feel like it would be easier to just go full time. My time is so limited to schedule things in that i sometimes think its harder as a part timer.

    what do some of you full time guys that used to be part time think?

    As of right now im a 7am -3:30 pm 5 days a week main job. I just look at all the time I could be using to build my business. I have 1.5 years to get it going then the Wife is out of school and she can carry our health insurance :)

    I agree it is tough to jugle the job and biz at the same time. I do all my quotes/bids and small clean jobs after job hours and schedule the bigger jobs for the weekends and during the days off that I can get using vacation and sick days. On the other hand it is comforting to know that there is a paycheck coming up this winter season when it will get slower.

    I havent had a day off in three months but it is very exciting seeing where this business is going. I am booked up until middle of august. I have increased my prices three times since march but jobs are still being booked.

  8. With me its, I always think I should have watered the plants more. I water them before, during and after my house/roof wash but am always thinking about it as i leave and wondering if the plants are going to be ok. I have never gotten a call back from a customer saying that their plants are dying and I have also driven past homes that had alot of plants around the house that I have washed previously and haven't had a plant die yet, but I still worry after every job for about a couple of weeks afterwards.

  9. Just bought a used Landa hot water unit and am trying to work out the bugs before putting it in service. I am trying to downstream but am getting soap draw even with a 15degree tip. I have been having to go to the machine and turn off the soap valve that it has on the machine. my wand is the type that has two triggers, one for high pressure and one more forward on the wand for soap. On the the business end of the wand it has duall tubes, one for high pressure and one for the soap tip that does not come off. Any help would be greatly apreciated. I hope it all makes sense what i have written above.

  10. Up in Seattle the best i have been able to come by is 4.50 a gallon. It is cheaper for me to just buy off the shelf 6% and xjet the desired percentage that is needed to clean a house properly. I have been wanting to switch to downstreaming but am not able to do so until i can find something cheaper. Maybe somebody in my area has a suggestion where to go.

  11. Dropped out of High School but later got my GED.

    Went to community college for almost two years preping to become a cop.

    Went in the military , United States Marine Corps for 4 years.

    After getting out had a change of heart for being a cop.

    Worked for my dad for one year as a salesman.

    Went to work for a hardwood lumber wholsaler and have been working with them for six years. I am currently the warehouse, production supervisor for the Seattle Branch.

    Started pwing last year but moved to janitorial/ interior cleaning for the winter. Will see in spring if I will do both or go back to solely pwing.

  12. By paying a percentage of the job, won't it give the employee the temptation to cut corners so he can get the job done faster so he can get paid more. For instance he might put chemicals on a roof to get the mold and mildew off but it does not completely remove it after the first application and dwell time, he would just be tempted to just crank up the pressure a little bit and go to town instead of having to wait another dwell time and application time. If he causes damage it might not even be noticed until the rainy season but it will still come back to your business insurance.

  13. Do not remember the source but was told 12% will lose between 1 and 1.5% per month of storage. I think you are suppose to keep it in a cool place and tightly capped. What puzzles me is how do you know you're getting 12% from the supplier? Unless they turn over their inventory quickly or have some way of storing to prevent loss of potency, it may not be 12% when you purchase it.

    With that formula does any one know if it is a weaker % to start with does it lose the same percentage per month. Does it lose less percentage per month as it goes down in potency?
