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Grime Dawg

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Posts posted by Grime Dawg

  1. Hello again, I'm about to wash a home for the second time in the last few days that has some (hard to word it) it's this crud that's left on homes after you pull vines off the homes. Like the lil. attachment footers that hold the vines to the house... The last house I did with this junk on it was brick so the hot water and pressure wasn't going to hurt anything ... Man I put all kinds of pressure and heat, and chems on that junk and it would only come off in certain parts. This next house has this stuff of a masonite siding (can't put the same force on it) is there a chem. or trick to getting this junk off ???

    ps. I wish I had a picture :{

    Just did a home like this myself. The only way to get those vine attachments off is to scrape and repaint. Just let the home owner know right up front that they are not coming off with general cleaning. No need for embarrassment, no one else is getting them off either.

  2. Todd,

    Nice find and post. Not that I agree with metaphysical wanderings by specious authors.


    This isn't your 'typical' metaphysical stuff. It is actually quite thought provoking for those who read it.

    But as stated earlier...it's not for everyone.

  3. For those on a quest for further enlightenment and truth

    here is a very good link to investigate...

    Amazon.com: Three Magic Words: Books: Uell S. Andersen

    If you have been indoctrinated into a 'specific belief' system, then this will be of NO interest to you. This is not meant to be an insult, it is simply to warn those who are not open to other opinions that this information will be contradictory to your present belief system.

    I am only posting this for those who wish to continue their search into ALL possibilities of that which MAY be truth.

    Click on the link and simply read the reviews. You will know whether this is of interest to you or not.

  4. Some good info here Don Home Based Business Opportunities | Work at Home Jobs

    The Feb issue of Opportunity World is also full of home-based business info and ideas.

    Be sure and investigate any "Work at Home" offers with a fine tooth comb. Most are scams.

    Don does your wife have any experience with bookeeping?

    If so, you basically put together a list of experiences along with some promotional materials and start promoting her biz.

    Many small businesses, like most of us, would love to be able to pass the monthly 'shoe box' over to someone who could keep it organized. That way come tax time, it's a breeze.

  5. hi randy....

    i owned a restaurant for 5 yrs. with the name bric-a-bracs.... it's a long story, but the name fit the concept & was more than often referred to as many other names.... they still came to eat, but was often misspoken or incorrect.... i got to the point that i quit correcting them & just thanked them for coming.... for what its' worth....

    I thought the name Grime Dawg would be self explanatory. But you wouldn't believe the number of people who come up to me and ask..."Excuse me, what is Grime Dawg!"

    At first I thought, wow what a big mistake with that name.

    But then the marketer in me kicked in and I thought


    how many other people actually have potential prospects coming up to them and ASKING and WANTING to know about their company?

    An accident that just may warrant some consideration for those in the process of choosing their name.

  6. I have to admit that I love Bush, you are right Scott.

    I can't remember when it started, but I have loved Bush since at least 14 or 15 years old.

    I can honestly say that Bush has never let me down, whenever I have had a troubling, stressful time in my life, Bush has put everything in perspective for me and helped me to relax.

    I recommend Bush to anyone who feels like their life is not going in the direction that they had envisioned, I can guarantee that Bush will lift your spirits and clear your mind of all your troubles

    Bush is way coool! I love Bush so much I wrote a poem on that very topic.

    I love Bush in the morning,

    I love Bush in the afternoon,

    I love Bush in a heatwave,

    or even in a monsoon.

    Bush can make you a nice man,

    Bush can turn you mean,

    Bush can make you blow your mind,

    Bush can make you dream.

    Bush will lift your spirits,

    Bush will set you free,

    Bush will make you act like a monkey,

    Swinging from tree to tree!


    But every now and then a change is good too.

    I'm thinking of visiting Brazil soon.

  7. BTW, I promise that all of this won't go to my head.

    J-Rod...It may be too late for you bud.

    Hopefully you'll be fine after 'shedding' those unwanted M&M's. We're all keeping our fingers crossed.

    Someone get that dang toilet unplugged. Can't you see what it's doin to him?

    In a day or so your head should return to normal.

    Congrats on your new 'position'. Alright now, bend at the hips and look down toward your feet.


  8. And believe it or not, many probably won't, BUT both mail houses and the good ol U.S. POSTAL SERVICE have been caught red handed THROWING your mass mailings in thee dumpsteer!

    As far as hand addressing, it's a waste of time unless you are sending a 'personalized letter/envelope' package. To hand address a Post Card is utter (or is that udder) foolishness;)

    Since the Post Card already conveys a...mass mailing!

    Sorry, I just read some of the other posts. Duh! But YES, the Postal Service has been caught dumping mail. And not just one or two letters, we're talking dumpsters full. Many very big mass mailers, use several post offices to mail from just to avoid ALL of their mail being potentially dumped.

    Also, if you have a valid reason to hand address your envelopes you can always try to find someone locally that you pay (per piece only) to do it for you. Let's say .10 - .15 each. Stay at home moms can do this while watching soaps and make a few easy dollars.

    And if they are really worth hand addressing, the extra cost shouldn't really matter.

  9. That's smart. I never really thought of that. I've never done direct mail, but that is well worth the extra couple of bucks to ensure they are going out when they should. Otherwise you'll never be able to guage you're lead time from the time the homeowner gets them till the phone starts ringing.


    And believe it or not, many probably won't, BUT both mail houses and the good ol U.S. POSTAL SERVICE have been caught red handed THROWING your mass mailings in thee dumpsteer!

    As far as hand addressing, it's a waste of time unless you are sending a 'personalized letter/envelope' package. To hand address a Post Card is utter (or is that udder) foolishness;)

    Since the Post Card already conveys a...mass mailing!

  10. Scott, this may seem like a silly question, but how do you address the envelopes/postcards. Last year we tried "To our neighbors" trying to build on the fact that we are a local/neighborhood company so we care how where we live/work looks. Any ideas or suggestion? Thanks Mike

    It is always best to address directly to the home owner. But if that isn't possible...think...

    'Affinity Group' [a group of like minded people or people with similar interests]

    Attention: Summer Glades Resident

    Dear Sweltering Oaks Homeowner

    URGENT: Boy Scouts Local 121

    Get the idea?

  11. Good post Barry.

    Todd, I had a perticular few sub divisions that we did really well in last year. Three or 4 weeks after my post cards were sent there, I sent more to the same sub. Not 1 call from that sub. I hand picked all of my subs last year. (Way too much driving! But worth it.) I then grouped them into different mail campaigns. I also tracked which subs gave the best response. On my next mail campaign, I would include those subs. Each time, the response was the same (with the already mailed to subs) - little to no response.

    As Barry said, what works for 1 person, doesn't work for another.

    You have a much better chance for higher response by mailing to a "fresh" area than an already mailed to area.

    I know that SOME of the people in a previousely mailed to area did not see my ad.

    I also know that ALL of the people have NOT seen my ad in fresh area.

    Knowing this, where should I spend my money?

    In which area am I certian to get more calls?


    From your personal results, it is obvious that mailing to a fresh list is your best bet.

    One question I have is what do you mean by 'did really well'? How many homes were mailed to and what was the overall response?

    You don't have to provide the numbers.

    The reason for asking is that if the sub-division has 300 homes and your mailing produces say 2% (forget profits for now, we are assuming you made good $$$).

    The 2% response would be considered great by most direct mail standards. Still, that is just 6 homes out of 300.

    Are you saying that only 6 homes out of 300 would be interested in your services?

    If your mailer is producing much better, say 10% or so, then you have definately penetrated that sub.

    Barry was right in that what works for one doesn't work for another.

    My goal is to dispense of 'predisposed' ideas and open the 'box' for people to be able to find what is best for them.

    Your point is valid! Maybe for people just getting started that is the best approach.

    What about those people that want to farm an area and be known as the 'go-to' company for PW? Those people that are trying to 'brand' themselves within a certain radius from their home?

    How about using a totally different mailer on the second mailing? Everyone responds to different 'hot buttons'. Maybe your mailers 'hot buttons' are limited to a certain segment of people.

    It could be that a post card is not the most effective way to reach some of the residents in these areas.

    Even with your great results, could your mailer be improved to increase your response rate by just another 1/2%?

    That's 1 1/2 more jobs for the same initial aquisition cost.

    Jarrod, from your posts you are obviously a very knowledgeable businessperson. In fact, you are probably one of the few that take a methodical approach to tracking your results. You are WAY ahead of the game than most.

    Take the above information for what it is, another view point, a different perspective that could help improve what you've already got going.

  12. I have sent post cards to the same areas b4 with little to no results. My ad is so good that people retain it. Many times, I have had calls from 1 month to a full year after my ad was mailed.

    Like I stated b4, either they want you or they don't. You have a better chance of getting jobs from an untapped area than from an area that you have already mailed to.

    By the way tv ads are repeated because they are "intangibles."


    Most ads ARE intangibles for the most part. Though some people may save your ads, many more won't. There are different opinions on whether to remail to the same list or not.

    Here is my take.

    If you mail to a certain list and get what YOU would consider is a great response. I would mail it again, maybe 2-3 weeks later.

    If it was still considerably profitable. Try mailing again. If it was borderline profitable, don't remail. Everyone has different time frames when they want work done. They may not be ready on the first mailing, or maybe didn't even pay attention to your ad on the first mailing.

    It has been proven in direct mail, that as much as 50% of your total response will come from your subsequent mailings. So as long as your mailings are profitable, you should keep mailing (use common sense here).

    The other option is mail to list #1. On your second mailing use an entirely different list but include 25% of the first list with it. Keep using this technique if profitable. You must track your profits and know which list your jobs are coming from to know whether it pays off or not.

    Regardless of advertising medium, as many as 7 exposures are generally required to maximize your response (profits). To me 'responses' don't mean anything. Only actual profit dollars matter.

    Keep in mind also, that if your ad isn't killer like Jarrods, your responses will suck wind or be non-existant.

    And if you are using a 'demographic non-prequalified' type mailing list, as most of us do, your % will be much lower than if you had a prequalified list.

    When it comes to newspaper ads, daily's don't seem to work as well as weeklies. Daily papers have virtually NO 'shelf-life'.

    Money Mailer and Val-Pac are for newbie business owners that don't know any better or for those business owners that like to sell rock bottom to the cheapest customers in the marketplace. Not entirely, they probably work OK for mechanics and those types of businesses, but not ours.

  13. Danny,

    Having come from a supply house background in the underground water and sewer business I was taught that...

    Teflon tape should NOT be used on a plastic 'female' threaded fitting, due to the fact that the plastic could be easily distorted and leaks created or have the plastic crack.

    Now having said that, you are right, most everyone here uses teflon tape for everything.

    I do NOT! I use tape more often than I do the paste, but I DO use paste whenever PVC threaded fittings are being used. I use it on both male and female threaded pvc fittings.

    Thus far, for umpteen projects including but not limited to my PW rig plumbing, I have not had a single leak from the paste. I have had some leaks from the tape by either not applying enough wraps or not tightening enough or tightening too much.

    Overtightening is also a reason for leaks.

    The tape is much cleaner (you've got to be careful when using paste, it can get all over everything) and easier to use for most fittings.

    I use the TEFLON PASTE. I don't like the regular pipe dope that most HD and hardware stores sell. I prefer Rectorseal brand because I've always had great success with it.

  14. Go with the small 2oz. kit Ryan. I bought the larger one thinking I might 'offer it' as a service and I've got enough to probably do 15 more cars.

    I left my lenses on. As I was working on the truck a neighbor lady came by and asked what I was doing. I told her I was polishing my lenses with this new product I had bought.

    She said, "does it work"?

    I backed up so she could see that one side was done and one side wasn't and said "You tell me"?

    She said, are you kidding me, that is fantastic.

    I think you'll find the same thing. It does take a little patience and elbow grease, but it's easy to do.
