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Grime Dawg

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Everything posted by Grime Dawg

  1. My sister works for Donnelly Directory as a Yellow Page Sales Person. She has told of many, upon many (especially attorneys) who buy $3,000+ a month full page ads, then go out of business and never pay for them. Remember these are 'contracts' and once purchased you've got to pay. So those that don't go out of business are forced to keep paying. Check out ads in other publications that are run on a week to week or month to month basis. If the same ad runs over and over and over, you can bet it at least pays for itself and probably then some. I personally believe direct mail is THE way to go. You'll get way more mileage out of $1,000 spent on direct mail (when done right) than you'll ever get from the YP. Another problem with the YP is CATAGORIES. They are NOT sales oriented, they are simply a directory. If you don't fit a certain group, they won't let you advertise there. Take for instance a roof cleaner who wants to advertise under the heading of ROOFING. Well guess what...they can't. And the problem with this is how a 'potential client' searches for a service. If they want their roof cleaned, doesn't it make since that most people would look under ROOFING, then look for ROOF CLEANERS? But there is NO heading for ROOF CLEANING under ROOFING. Remember, people are looking for the 'solution' to their problem. If they are having headaches, they would normally try to find 'relief' under 'headache relief'. They may not know to look under chiropactor or massage therapy, etc. Not everyone is well educated on where to find things in the YP. If you want a HAIRCUT, where do you look? Well you can actually find a 'few' listings for haircuts under hair (this heading has been recently added), but mostly hair removal, hair implantation and such as that is what you'll find. If you really want the largest options for people to cut your hair, you've got to look under BEAUTY! Just NOT the best way to position your ad. Also consider this about direct mail: When you've got an ad running in ANY local publication, you can bet your COMPETITION is watching you. When you mail direct to the customer, no one sees it but you and them. Then, if you end up with a major winner, no one can steal your idea as easily because it's not out there for everyone to see. Arguments, debates, opinions, clarifications, deletions, recommendations, etc. ????
  2. How to remove yellow stain from plastic?

    OK, I guess I should have stated above that the information is just that. INFORMATION for anyone who may need it now or in the future. Worthless ramblings? If the plastic in question is a small piece of plexi, it would be cheaper and a whole lot less hassle to just replace it.
  3. How to remove yellow stain from plastic?

    As Rod says the plastic could be 'toast'. Or maybe not. When I bought my truck a couple months back the front headlight lenses were so yellow that I don't think 35% of the light penetrated the lenses. I had already decided that I would need to replace them. And 'factory' parts aint cheap. I've heard of some of the aftermarket automotive lighting products/lenses catching on fire, so wouldn't use them. While looking through a local throw away ad paper I saw an ad for a company called "ClearBeemz". They said they could 'renew' your headlight lenses for just $69.99 (starting at $69.99 that is). So I hop on over to Google and did a little homework. Came across this site: Janvil Plastic Polish, Cleaner & Restorer Read through it and finally bought the product. Which primarily consists of two seperate fine abrasive polishes and a plastic shine product. Got it, did what it said. Headlights are now Crystal Clear. I was shocked. Really, they look brand new. But basically I learned you could do the same thing (though not as good) with the 1500 grit wet/dry (which they recommended for really bad areas) and some good automotive polishing compound. For headlights, I would definately buy their kit. Here's a couple interesting links on their site. Check out the business link. It may give you some ideas for an 'add-on service'. Plastic Headlight Restoration, Repair and Renewal. Janvil Headlight Restore Cleaner & Polish will turn back the clock on yellow hazy cloudy lenses. Janvil: Your Partner In The Scratch Removal, Polishing & Restoration Business.
  4. Trailer size needed?

    I've got a 225 water tank that I fill half way, piped directly to my 'currently' 4 gpm machine. Downstream injector setup. So all I have to do is pull hose and start washing. On small jobs I may never have to run any fill hose at all. If I do, I have fill connections on each side of the trailer with a Hudson float valve on the tank. Just let the water run while you wash. PW is also bypassed to the tank. That's the way I set up my rig. It's real sweet and convenient. Buy a very heavy way to travel too. Water sloshes a LOT in the big tank (no baffles) and it shoves you forward and back even when driving. Hit a bump and it's hang on time. I've also got a 100 gallon chlorine tank that I will fill only when needed. Fortunately I started with a tandem axle and wouldn't recommend a single axle at all for pressure washing. You just never know how much weight you will eventually end up putting on it. Plus, a tandem pulls much better than a single. And believe it or not, it will also help set you apart from most of the 'fly-by-nighters' since they seem to always have single axle trailers. No offense to those using single axles. It's just customer perception I'm speaking about. Something to think about also is your pull vehicle. I intially thought I would pull my trailer with my Jeep Cherokee. It pulled it OK, but STOPPING was another problem. Solved that by getting a 1 ton dually. Make sure if you are going to pull high gallonage that your trailer has good brakes and your pull vehicle is heavy enough to stop it, if for some reason the trailer brakes fail. Also, I learned quickly when building out my 12' trailer that a 14 footer would have been much nicer. Space gets used up quickly with a couple large tanks, PW, surface cleaner, chem. racks/cabinets, misc.hose, etc.
  5. How to remove yellow stain from plastic?

    This is assuming that the color goes all the way through the plastic. Take some 1500 grit wet/dry sandpaper and cut it into squares (about 1/4 sheet each is good). Put them in a bucket of warm water and let them sit for a good 1/2 hour to an hour. You want them soft. Sand the plastic with light pressure. Keep the paper wet. You should be able to tell very quickly whether the yellowing is being removed. If it is, keep going. Once done with the sandpaper, you can use some rubbing or polishing compound (the kind for car finishes) to polish it up and remove the light sandpaper scratches. They do make plastic cleaner kits but they are fairly expensive and this will usually do the trick.
  6. The only options I am aware of for 'low cost' 12vdc pumps are ShurFlo, FloJet and Delavan. All with around 45 to 60 psi. You could try like the roof forums talk about and that is going with a larger GPM pump and larger outlet hose at least 1/2" probably even 5/8". My dual shurflo set-up with the (2) 3.5 gpm and 45 psi pumps has no problem putting out a lot of flow through 200' of 5/8" hose, even up on a roof. The RS may be heavier, but you wouldn't need the kind of flow that a roof cleaner does. The delevan pumps put out over 5 gpm. If all else fails call Bob at PressureTek. Or even better call him first and save yourself a lot of hassle.
  7. How about we all get together with Rhino and see if they will come up with some great 'wood colors' and some wood 'grain stamps'? We'll just spray Rhino on all the decks in all the world and everyone will be happy for ever more! NAH It's much to fun watching you guys fight and then have mommy spank you and put you in seperate corners;) Just kidding! ME? I'll stick to my Minwax and Homer Formby Tung Oil.
  8. Go to CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News Look for the video link that says "Idiot Window Washer". Comments????
  9. He could have just shot the chems and left. $150 not bad for 30 minutes work! Don't see how he could do a large cage in that amount of time, with rinsing properly. See if the customer is comparing Apples to Oranges.
  10. Which HVLP

    If you've got a compressor and want a great hvlp gun for little money, check this out... http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=43430 I found out about this from some online automotive forums. It's good enough to paint cars and do a good job. I've used mine for too many things to count. It does not do a good job with heavy paints like primers.
  11. Converting 2 4gpm units to one 8gpm unit

    Phillip, You may want to verify the pressure rating on that galv. 'T'. I believe most that you find in H.D. or hardware stores are considered class 150 fittings with a maximum pressure of 300 psi. And even higher class 300 fittings are rated at just 600 psi. That fitting could explode at any time. -Todd-
  12. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Well said Mike!
  13. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Anthony, This marketing stuff can get complicated. Every market is different and every marketing medium is different. eBay is a marketing medium that requires photos if you want to sell anything. I can assure you that I myself won't buy anything on eBay without seeing a picture of the item. But that's a different animal and I won't get involved in that discussion here. However Ken hit it square on the head...Words and Graphics must work together. SYNERGY! This is also what Beth was eluding to. And I'm certainly not saying to run your advertising without supportive photos and graphics, that would be dumb. That's also what sets professionals apart from the others. A great before and after photo is powerful. The old saying 'a picture paints a thousand words' is accurate. It just can't do a great job selling by itself. I think some of the confusion is the use of words like; words, text, etc. When I say 'words or 'text', I'm talking about the use of effective selling text or words...not just any words or text. You saw some examples of this in my previous posts. And remember, those were thrown together in about 30 seconds with very little thought. When you study your market and understand what their hot buttons are, you can exploit (uh oh) that in your marketing. And although I didn't make this clear earlier, when I say your ad must 'sell' what I'm saying is that your ad must effectively reach your audience and grab their attention enough for them to call YOU versus your competition. If you're mailing postcards and they don't have synergy and reticular activators working...they get tossed in the trash quicker than you can say sh--! BAM...that money's gone for good. If you can increase your ad response from say .5% to 1.5% think about what that could do for your bottom line. Again from KEN... "Some keywords to remember are finite, concise and interesting." Put some thought and real effort into your ads and you'll see your hard work pay off. -Todd- P.S. I once ran an 'all text ad' in a small local weekly for my clinical massage practice and only got ONE responder. She came in for an $80 weekly appointment every week for over 8 years! The ad cost $45.00!
  14. Thoughts on a post card design...

    OK Beth. So take a really seductive photo of some mouth watering juicy food, put it on a postcard with a typical (lame) headline like..."Are you hungry?" -Vs- An OK photo of a clean restaurant with smiling customers and a more effective headline like... "The Secrets Out! Our Food Makes You Smile (and laugh, and giggle and awe). Come Dine With Us Today For An Enriching, Savory and Memorable Dining Experience!" You get the idea. The point is that although pictures are very important (especially when marketing to certain markets), the use of effective 'copywriting' will make the difference between a non-responsive ad to one that produces killer results (for the same investment in printing and mailing costs). And there is NO debate over text -Vs- photos. That has been resolved years ago, by those with many years of high level marketing experience, and deep pockets to test those same theories. My point earlier about the importance of 'text' is that much more thought needs to go into an ad campaign than the 10 minutes or less that most put into it. Words sell, pictures support. What is the biggest reason for failure amongst new businesses? Is it lack of knowledge on the 'application' of the skills of that business or the lack of skills and knowledge in marketing? If all it took was a pretty picture...then all newbies would be rich in no time. I'd much rather compete with 'skilled pressure washers' -Vs- marketing savvy 'pressure washers', because they are my REAL competition. -Todd-
  15. Overkill?

    Ryan, Definately go with the band saw, if you plan on doing larger type work. You'll find a table saw to be a real workhorse for you. To get started even a cheap 'tabletop' variety from HD can do fairly good work if you build your own fence and other jigs, and use the right blades. And a cheap router table (with a homemade fence) and a good assortment of bits can produce amazing stuff that you can be proud of. For years I subscribed to WOOD Magazine and I have to say, you can really learn a lot from that publication...I highly recommend it. Knowing how to make your own jigs, fences, etc. is invaluable in a woodworking shop, and they will show you tons of that kind of stuff in Wood Magazine. By the way, expect to spend a WHOLE LOT MORE on all the small stuff you'll need in your shop than what the bigger pieces of equipment costs. I bought a used Craftsman Lathe with workbench for $40.00 and have invested well over $500.00 in the lathe tools, chucks, centers, etc. And for all the different clamps and whatever you'll need, you just can't beat Harbor Freight. I've been into woodworking for many years. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! -Todd-
  16. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Ken, Great flyer! I could tell you were (are) a student of marketing from your past posts. I too love marketing. The one thing I have been taught is to write a ton of headlines (even as many as 100)...first, then choose the top ten. Then narrow it down to the top one or two. And then see if they can be improved upon. This of course is 'after' you have done your market research on your potential customer. Your headline is very good and I know you don't like to cross the line. But again I have to say that a powerful message WILL **** off a few people, and most likely make you a ton more money. Just an idea... ****************************************** "Is Your TOXIC Home Silently Killing Your Children?" Mold infestation can quitely rob you and your family of your precious health. CALL NOW (24 Hours)...For FREE Recorded Information on eliminating mold from your home. Do it now and save precious time! First 7 callers receive FREE Property Analysis. ******************************************* ???? -Todd-
  17. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Thanks Matthew, Richard and Scott for your kind words. Richard, I'm not saying that all advertising has to be 'in your face' like this example. But you've definately got to get your prospects attention FAST! There are several ways to do it. Some better than others. But the one thing I see most people in advertising doing (not just pressure washers either) is NOT using headlines. And even when they do, they are extremely wimpy or passive. Sorry, but that's a total waste of money. A headline is absolutely essential if you want to reach out and grab your prospect by the throat and essentially say... "Hey, stop what you're doing and pay attention to what I've got to say. It's really important to YOU!" -Todd-
  18. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Scott, Writing the ad copy and then applying the ad graphics...are two seperate things. Many people think the graphics are the most important part of an ad. They are NOT! Pretty pictures DON'T sell... WORDS DO! This has been proven in the market many times. However, having said that...a good graphic that 'SUPPORTS' your words can turn a good ad, into a great one. Writing effective ad copy takes knowledge and there is a high price to pay...experience & testing the market! Creating top quality graphics that WORK, takes exactly the same thing. By no means can I tell you that my suggestion will work, only the marketplace can do that. But if you decide to do any kind of promotion I would suggest NOT trying to create the graphics yourself. This is an area that you should be hiring qualified talent! Keith at KBK Graphics would be my first (and only) choice. Trying to save a few bucks here will have you looking like a top quality....AMATEUR! Look at it like this. An effective ad can be ran over and over again. One single ad can make you thousands of dollars over time. Don't skimp. -Todd-
  19. Thoughts on a post card design...

    Scott... Being BOLD is important in marketing. If you're not ticking someone off, you're advertising probably isn't as effective as it could be. ...Boring advertising is ineffective advertising! Forget ticking someone off, what is your R.O.I.? That's what's important. Don't be overly passive. How's this... "Get Your Boss Off Your Ass NOW!" * Gum On Your Sidewalk - GONE! * Dumpster Area Covered in Grease - GONE! * Too Much To Do & No Time To Do It... Call Integrity PSI Today and We'll Wash Your Stress Away! Your Boss Will Think Your A Freakin Genius. Integrity PSI (XXX) XXX-XXXX -Todd-
  20. Overkill?

    ...ALL furniture is a PITA to strip. I like the 'take it to an antique shop and have it dipped idea'. It's next to impossible to get all the paint and crud off at joints and in any detail areas without buggering up the wood. Also, try Watco finishes (Light or Medium Walnut looks good on Oak). http://www.rustoleum.com/brand.asp?frm_brand_id=23&SBL=1 They are fantastic. Easy to use and look great. They contain natural oils so you don't even have to add any top coat unless you want to. -Todd-
  21. Overkill?

    Ryan, Check out http://www.eisenbran.com for more hardwoods than you could believe are available. Be careful though, because many exotics are toxic. As are many wood finishes. A great 'highlight' wood to use with oak is 'Bocote'. It's a sustainable wood grown in Mexico, and reasonably priced. Any wood used for interior furniture 'should be' kiln dried for dimensional stability, but I have used some air dried with good results. -Todd-
  22. Is one employee worth it?

    I'm not a fast cleaner and I'm not a slow cleaner. That must make me a Half-Fast cleaner!
  23. stupid things

    "Stapletons Elastomeric Butt Paste"! The ONLY flexible, waterproof butt paste on the market with a massive SPF 250 rating.
  24. Vacation ideas for a pregnant gal

    Charleston is supposed to be very nice. I haven't been but the wife talks about it every couple months, so I guess I'll get there sooner than later. Just remember, that many of these place require a lot of walking and/or standing. Biltmore (and Asheville in general) are great places to visit, but a fair amount of walking. Once inside, we stood for quite awhile before we were allowed to tour the house. And, if you're on the top floor and have to pee (or worse), it's all the way back down, out the back door, across the bricked courtyard to the livery stable. Don't ask how I know, and don't even mention the 'security issue' you might create by climbing over the roped off areas because you're in a HURRY;) But if you do decide to go...check out the GrovePark Inn in Asheville (close to Biltmore). Really cool place to stay, it'll set you back a few bills, but for a night or so it's well within your budget, and would be memorable (read: WOMEN LOVE IT). -Todd-