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Bergman Pressure Cleaning

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Posts posted by Bergman Pressure Cleaning

  1. Yes, I started out in a van, back in 1989 and I can tell you, it's a very bad idea! Fumes will gradually ruin your lungs, even though you may not even smell them much. Chlorine gas can form and kill you real quick! A bad car accident can give you a chlorine bath. Plus, yes, it will rust your van inside out in a short time. Just use a pickup bed or buy a trailer and keep your health and stay alive! Here's 2 pictures, 1st is from 1991 - still working out of a van.

    2nd is what I use now.

    1991 working out of a van.jpg

    TILE ROOFS MAY 2017 (7).jpg

  2. I do my own, with no training, just guesswork, nbased on what I see, plus what I learned at Chris Tucker's RCIA and RCIA.ORG

    To see my results, look up BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING ans add my local towns, counties or zip codes, like BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING PORT CHARLOTTE - or BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING CHARLOTTE COUNTY, OR ROOF CLEANING CHARLOTTE COUNTY-Or 33981 or 34224 or Pressure Washing the same. Here is PRESSURE WASHING CHARLOTTE COUNTY- https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4PLXB_enUS731US731&q=pressure+washing+charlotte+county
